- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Advertised Alienation

Posted by: Simon Kongshoj ( CIA's most wanted #8 - and dropping!, Denmark ) on December 12, 1997 at 00:03:04:

In Reply to: Consumerism posted by Stu on December 09, 1997 at 18:11:48:

Well spoken comrade, I could hardly agree more. Ever read Herbert Marcuse? (he had some interesting views on that subject.

Well... A system that makes consumerism impossible would have to be a system without the need for consumerism. I believe that the only way to achieve such a society would be to remove the economic competition, which again could only be achieved by removing the free ownership right. Such a system could for instance be socialism.

However, some 'socialist' systems like the former DDR had the policy of 'informing' the people about new products, which only was advertising under a thin disguise.

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