- Capitalism and the Alternatives -

Deterring Democracy

Posted by: ralph ( communitarian capitalist, USA ) on January 17, 1997 at 03:41:10:

In Reply to: Try reading Chomsky posted by elel on November 27, 1996 at 15:17:02:

>> i find it sad, but yet really do believe that we will be living in a capitalist society,
>> in the western world, for the rest of our lives. rather than in equal 'free' marketeering,
>> capitalism could also be about equality, paradoxically, if the bulk of its functions
>> were regulated tightly???

> Because you seem intelligent, I'll trouble to say that you may benefit mightily from
> reading the works of the MIT professor (linguistics) Noam Chomsky. A little hard to find. Worth it.

the person is right. If you read Chomsky you'll really see what the U.S. version of capitalism
is all about. I recommend a book called "Deterring Democracy" We are not really capitalistic,
we are an oligopoly ruled by the few big nusinesses who pull the strings of government

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