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more to any religion than worshipping a diaty

Posted by: GERARD ( Followers of Christ the Socialist, N.Ireland ) on January 13, 1998 at 19:22:56:

In Reply to: Re: Jesus was a Socialist, why aren't you? posted by harrison ford on December 07, 1997 at 23:57:37:

: Have you lived in a socialist country? Are you aware that there are powers at work that don't gived a damn, about your ideologies? Do you really think you can solve the problems on earth by implementing laws upon the people. There will be no peace on earth until Christ returns.

: There are absolutely no statements in the Bible refering to Jesus as a socailist, you should realize that socialisim is big goverment taking a majority role in our lives. Are you stupid or naive ?

You are stupid and intolerant because you accept no views or interpretations other than your own. Jesus was a socialist and the fact that you know so let about socialism that you think it:
A)is just about big governemnt
B)Your not a socialist until you have the word in heavy letters

Demonstrate how you cant even talk about it never mind debate it.

Other powers at work? What about large private companies they are powers at work working against everyones interests but you find them perfectly acceptable.

Besides there is far more to any religion than worshipping a diaty.

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