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Re: Potato, Fries, French Fries

Posted by: French Fries on January 10, 1998 at 15:11:24:

In Reply to: Potato, Fries, French Fries posted by Jos Gielkens on January 09, 1998 at 14:54:24:

: Hi!

: My name is Jos Gielkens. I'm a student at the Groningen University in
: the Netherlands. My dad owns a potato processing firm. He wants to introduce a new kind of French Fries in the European Small Restaurant market.

: In Europe, most people expect their French Fries to be clean cut. That is, they eat their Fries without the original potato skin on it.

: I heard from my dad that in American restaurants, people are used to unpealed Fries. Is this true? Where can I get information about this subject?

: Thank you for your reply!

: Jos Gielkens

Well McDonalds is the king of the Fries and the do not have the skin. Most resturants in the us do not have the skin. But the thinker cut fries do sometimes.

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