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Re: meat is murder

Posted by: Tomas Wyldsyd ( Canada ) on December 31, 1997 at 15:34:12:

In Reply to: meat is murder posted by Vienna Beef on December 25, 1997 at 00:27:57:

: It is to laff.....animals talk to us......wake up and smell the coffee...we are the top of the food chain.....it is natural for us to eat meat...how do I know this you ask? several reasons, the first and most obvious is the fact that we don't have teeth like cows.....our teth are designed by nature, through the evolution you believe in for the multi purpose of yes, eating vegetables, and for the tearing and rending of flesh....then followed by the crushing effect of the mollars making the meat easily digestible.....okay so I'll ask you one one question...who crys when the weasel of north american fame....pound for pound one of the most viscious animals in the animal kingdom, randomly, enters a chicken coop, and slaughters everything in there and eats only the eggs...................Evolution...we are the top......so far...we have NO natural enemies.....other animals adapt to their environment...man adapts his environment to him.... a

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