- Anything Else -


Posted by: GoldenEagle1 ( Allan, United States of America ) on December 31, 1997 at 14:33:01:

When I saw 60-Mins I was surprised and out-raged BUT PLEASED to see
that I was not alone in my thoughts about companies LIKE McDonalds
fast food stores and the company in whole.
OUTREAGED at how they get away with all that they do that is wrong.
SURPRISED to find out about McSpotlight.
STANDING: Im with this movement and I will explain why and give my
thoughts to this McSpotlight, I will also add thoughts that I feel
fall under this same problem that covers both the companies and
government and the judiciary system which includes attorny's.

Im new to the computer world so understanding terms and how to use is
difficult for me and Im trying to learn so Im also asking for help
on that issue.

START: I have had many bad incounters with the McDonalds fast food
stores and when I would speak out to the management they would try
to please me with a peice of paper for free fries or sandwich or drink
for another visit or the manager would be rude and hateful.

I have been served under-cooked food, or have been given less than
what I really ordered not to find out till arriving home, and made
to wait for my food because they did not have any made of what I

I have actually watched and seen a employee pick up off the floor
food such as pickles and halves of buns and put on a sandwich to
be given to a customer, I have even seen a employee put his hand down in his pants and scratch his gential area then go to handling food.

I feel that the legal power this company and other companies have
to hide and try to keep things from the public is wrong and feel that
the people the tax payers should stand up and start speaking up
and voice their concerns about corupt government and judges and attorney's and politiciens that condone this type of action and allow
these companies to walk all over the small business and customers and
tax payers and this encludes the officials that use their office
to abuse their power and office.

I speak the truth and fight when someone say's that I am lying that
I speak the untruth, and I believe in freedom of speach and to have
companies and government try to keep that right from me or any other
person is morally and unethicaly wrong.

My family originates from Ireland and England and I believe scotland,
my ties to those countries and the united states are strong, I will
never shut-up when I feel Im right and have always admitted when Im
wrong I believe in truth and the rights of the human race and that no
person nor goverment has the right to do the wrong things they do to
the people that put them in power. Nor do I believe that a company
should be allowed to give the amounts of money to people for the
perpouse of political favortisem.

If im wrong then Im wrong if Im right then stand up and cheer
and speak out and let your voice be heard.

Thats all for now and may God be with you all.


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