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Embarrass Sprout

Posted by: Quincunx ( IWW ) on December 16, 1997 at 22:11:01:

In Reply to: to a posted by Mike Sprout on December 14, 1997 at 03:51:42:

Ms: Obviously you have no idea what capital markets are all about. The biggest securities scam of all time was a member of the prestigious TSE 300 index. Anyway, have you ever heard of short selling?

Qx: I wouldn't be surprised if you got short sold in the VSE. But some call it risk taking and others call it gambling. Your money. Don't come crying to me when you make a fool out of yourself.


MS: I'm glad to see you think my marketing ideas are so valuable. However, since I don't intend to enter the restaurant business, I'm happy to provide them as a public service.

Qx: That securities trader is right you know. You really don't know how to keep a secret.

MS: Anyway, Quincunx, just how many names do you post under anyway? "Securities Trader", "Another Ex-convict",... . Then you use these as evidance of suppart for your ideas because you know you can't win a debate on your own. I see you accusing Karen of posing under differant names. I guess their right, it always is the suspicious ones...

Qx: You're really lost this time and I'm not the one who posted that so blow it out your federal Conservative rear end. You don't know dick about money management and you admit to it. Of course there's people out there who get a laugh out of your ineptitude so I'm not alone in posting to a ridiculous wanna-be capitalist.

By the way, can't you handle criticism of your stock market games? If you were that good at investments you wouldn't even be posting here playing your little games and not even responding to more than half the postings directed towards you.You would be seriously studying the markets and if you do good then you can vigorously stroke your ego until you're blue in the face.

Your accusations have a much validity as the sales pitch you fell for when you diddled yourself with those stupid speculations. That's your embarrassment and by the looks of it you haven't learned to be a better capitalist since then.

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