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Why Sprout dosen't always respond (and won't be in the future)

Posted by: Mike Sprout ( MCSPrOuTLIGHT, Canada ) on December 07, 1997 at 11:58:18:

Sprout has gotten awfully popular these days and I'd like to apologize to everyone I have been unable to respond to personally (although some of my posts did go missing). To help explain why, I will tell you that I use the web at the local university library (Where I'm not a student) on a 486/25 4MB 28.8 pc, that has many features disabled. Ican't save anything (if a post dosen't appear I would have to retype the whole thing and I'm not a great typist!) or use cut/copy/paste. Ive been planning to buy my own pc bu keep waiting for prices to bottom out ;-), (plus this year has been horendous for me financially with the Vancouver stock exchange having its worst year in history and gold falling daily, my income will be NEGATIVE this year).

The demands on Sprout are many, countering EC's fear mongering, enlightening the McD's lovers, giving the commies something to debate (I've asked people in the McD's section to help ease the load)- some of them are demanding i write essays now!. Then theres Mike Bacon, although I'm concerned that we almost agreed on recent replies to someone at McD's (Give Mike another year, he'll be a full blown vegetarian), and Quincunx of course, who defies description. Yes there is a heavy burden on Sprout.

I think Quincunx has developed an unhealthy obsesion on Sprout anyway. Perhaps he could send one of his private Emails to McSpotlight to lobby for a "Sprout" section, totally dedicated to the views and discussion of the views of Sprout. They could call it "Sprout's Corner". That way he could be sure not to miss anythiny Sprout may have to say. Of course, they could rid the boards of a lot of blather by having a board dedicated to Quincunx. It could be the "humour" section.

I have used this site a lot lately has it is usually (relatively) quick, and cruising my favorite investment sites has been so damn depressing lately. Sprout senses the tide is turning though, and hopes he will soon be swiching from furious typing to furious trading. I'll be here off and on, but probably not as often. I won't be able to always respond to each of you individually. Please direct anyone who accuses Sprout of losing an arguement to this post. I sure hope this one dosen't get lost in cyberspace, as I don't want to retype.

Hope everyone has a nice tofurkey at Christmas,

Mike Sprout

P.S. Does anyone know whether Santa flies East-West or West-East? I'm concerned something might happen to the reindeer when they get to Quincunx's, and hope they make it to Kingston first.

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