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Mayday Rallies

Posted by: GERARD, A CITIZEN ALSO ( Multi-tendency Socialists, N.Ireland ) on December 04, 1997 at 10:41:40:

Here in N. Ireland on the fourth of may or the following monday if its a sunday we have a huge (well big anyway) rally at which all the unions turn up with their banners and a couple of speakers get up and pretend to be radical.

Then we all march around the Belfast city following bands (Without anyone lying in the road and protesting against a blatant display of trumphalism)and we hand out leaflets. The wee divisive 'socialist' groups try to get you to join and tow their party lines and give them money to go for a drink too but you can ignore them.

Do all you comrades do anything for international workers day?

If not you could all come to ours and we'd go to McD's afterwards and put Sprout and the other capitalists in stocks throw the rotting meat they call burgers at them.

Everret could give a speech and it'd be more interesting than the regular speakers and Comrade Green could tell the 'Socialists' why their small scale initiatives wont work (I just tell them to get lost).

Fuss could come and give a speak too if the state forces didnt imprison him for being a crazed anarchist and the leninist who debated with him organisation could tell us about the vanguard.

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