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McSpotlight millenium reunion - Anyone up for it?

Posted by: Mike Sprout ( proudly Canadian ) on November 28, 1997 at 10:05:06:

How about a Mcspotlight reunion? Personally, I'd LOVE to meet some of the people who post to this site (Are they for real or just putting us on?).

We would hold it at a McDonald's, of course, so the pro-burger crowd could pig out while the rest protested outside. By then we'll probably all have wirless internet appliances so we can furiously type to each other. As for a country to hold it in, I'm sure there isn't anywhere on earth that someone at this site wouldn't want to boycott (Antartica? - oops no McDonalds - yet )so I'd suggest Australia as there seems to be a lot of people from there at this site and Mike Bacon has already expressed a desire to go there (I wouldn't mind escaping Canadain winter either).

Anyone short on funds can read my post on getting a free trip to Australia in the McDonald's section. Maybe someone in Australia can pick a specific location for us. It should have a playroom so McMom's fat little kids have something to do when they turn their nose up at the cold fries. I'm sure management won't object when they see the orders from all the junk food lovers that post here, like Mike and Dee.

The guy from the UK can have lots of fun peering at them in the window. Maybe Luke can dress up like Ronald. I'm sure he'd have lots of fun "entertaining" McMom's kids... The anti-multinational/capitalist/Mcdonald's crowd would get lots of publicity for their cause with their demonstartion outside. I'm sure Quincunx would catch a roo for the barby for the procarnivore/antiMcDonald's group. The Everett Citizen can get up on a soapbox and make long speeches nobody will listen to. Us rational vegetarian capitalists will have a great time watching all this. Anyone up for it?

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