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Gee, this one made it through...

Posted by: The Everett Citizen ( IWW, OBU ) on November 26, 1997 at 10:48:10:

In Reply to: Here's a response for ya posted by Mike Sprout on November 25, 1997 at 19:21:18:

Sprout Spout:
: While I'm unsure as to which posts your reffering to, I will say that I have no intention of responding to utterly ridiculous posts furiosly typed by some at this site. Also, some of us don't have time to write stupid little stories, not once but for every single section of McSpotlight. Some of my posts to Quincunx were apparently rejected by McSpotlight, particularly those in the Capitalism section. While I respect their right to post or reject whatever they want, I can't figure out why these posts were rejected, considering whats allowed in the Kids section (pro child molesters). It would have apperared I did not respond to quincunx, but after having a number of posts not appear, I did not feel it woth it to retype them.

Everett Citizen:
I don't recall EVER seeing any pro-child abuser posts in the Kids section; in fact, all I have seen regarding the subject was the assertation that Ronald McDonald and Joe Camel are child molesters and child abusers, which I believe they indeed are, and a few people railing AGAINST this type of exploitation.

As far as writing "stupid" stories, you appear to be refering to some of my posts, which I did not write (ever heard of "copy and paste"? A real time saver), but I enjoyed them and have gladly shared them with any room that I felt it was pertenant to. If you didn't "get" the point of the stories, perhaps you need to re-read them. (Hint: sometimes it is helpful to read posts other than your own!)

As far as you responding to ANYONE'S posts; it doesn't happen often, but you are quick to offer an opinion and run, from quincunx, from me, from ANYONE who has ever challenged you. I wonder why everyone else's posts make it through. Maybe it is a conspiracy against the "UN's number one country's number one booster."

Maybe you need to listen to a little more David Suzuki and a little less of yourself.

Mike, The Everett Citizen

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