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People whining about meat being murder.

Posted by: John Thristiculee on November 14, 1997 at 11:11:34:

In Reply to: Ask this question from your hospital bed... posted by The Everett Citizen on October 29, 1997 at 21:23:05:

: I totally understand vegetarians who are veggie because of the way animals are farmed these day. It is cruel, heartless and petty.
However, I would like to point out that, as human, we are built to digest meat. We have rear molars that are designed for grinding tough substances like meat and tough vegetation. Our gut system is designed to be able to digest meat thoroughly.

Many say that meat is murder. Yes, in todays society, it practically is, in that the animals are treated appaulingly. However, the judgement of meat being murder is irrelevent. Its hardly as if you're going to go up to a lion eating a deer and say, "Now stop that - Its naughty. Murdering animals is wrong." It is part of our nature. If we are to say, "It is natural not to eat meat, to only eat vegetables.", we may just as well say, "It is natural for me, as a human to destroy competition for a mate by fighting." "It is natural for me to piss where I like, when I like." "I am strong, therefore I do as I please."

So yes, boycott mass-produced meat if you can, but there is no point in trying to make a moral judgement. It is beyond us.

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