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Yet another Sproutian Fallacy

Posted by: Quincunx ( IWW, StrikingTeachers Supporters ) on November 09, 1997 at 10:49:14:

In Reply to: Enough with the mythology posted by Mike Sprout on November 08, 1997 at 22:28:54:

MS: Enough already. Using Christian mythology to justify eating meat is absurd. Someone wrote some parables long ago that included people eating fish and you take that to mean we're meant to eat meat?

Qx: Again you shoot yourself in the foot and put your emotions forward without reading the postings thoroughly. Perhaps we should get a copy of the Bhagavad-Gita and see if those writings should mean that we were meant to be vegetarians. Or maybe we should believe all the stuff that rightwing think tanks churn out and take those sayings as to mean that human society has always been competitive and that's why free-market economics is the best way for all of humanity.Anyways, your spaceship is approaching it's final destination.

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