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approving of factory farming?

Posted by: Deborah ( USA ) on November 01, 1997 at 18:59:22:

In Reply to: Jesus ate meat, and I refuse to believe that I'm no more important than a mouse!!! posted by Mike Bacon on November 01, 1997 at 13:18:05:

> it's my understanding that Jesus ate meat while He was here on the planet

It is my understanding that Jesus preached peace and harmony with all of God's creatures. Do you honestly think that he would approve of factory farming, chicken houses and and the torture that young calves go through to provide veal.
Crowded together in horrible conditions and then sent in large groups to the slaughterhouse where each animal can see the one before being killed? I don't think so. Besides, Jesus didn't exactly have the advantage of the science which has proved that we don't need meat to survive. And yes, I think if everyone that thinks they really know what Christianity is was really being true to Jesus, they would know that he thought all creatures equal.

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