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When I'm 110, maybe...

Posted by: Red, White, and Blue ( USA ) on October 31, 1997 at 10:34:22:

In Reply to: Ask this question from your hospital bed... posted by The Everett Citizen on October 29, 1997 at 21:23:05:

: Piggy's revenge! Your flabby heart will come to a screeching halt, and the blood of all the pigs and cows you have stored in your fat cells will bathe you in excruciating agony! Keep eating, carnivore.

Goodness gracious! It's not like I eat a whole cow every day! I indulge in meet several times a week, but I also work out and keep in great shape (better than most of you anemic vegetarians out there), so your gloom-and-doom is a bit far-fetched.

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