Day 306 - 26 Nov 96 - Page 06

     1        originals.  This is again unsafe.  Here is the witness
     2        saying, clearly, he picked up everything he could, which we
     3        would know, from all the other evidence, would have been a
     4        wide range of literature and only, I think it was three
     5        leaflets in the end were attached to his statement, but
     6        they were not originals.  So someone, at some stage,
     7        decided which leaflets would be attached.
     9        He could not remember anything else about that meeting,
    10        apart from what he has in his notes.  That is page 71, line
    11        6.
    13        I mean, at the end of the day, I am making some general
    14        points there, not just general points in the abstract, but
    15        I am showing how the unsafety of reliance on reports based
    16        upon notes, based upon memory reviewed six years later in
    17        the witness box, and the confusion over the leaflets, does
    18        have a founding in the evidence that we have heard in the
    19        case.  So, although I am making a general point, I do not
    20        have to make it each time.  But the point I am saying is it
    21        is not just a commonsense or a matter of law, although it
    22        is both of those, the unsafety of what has happened in this
    23        case, but also buried in the evidence of the transcripts of
    24        the agents clearly reveals the unsafety of the process that
    25        is taking place in this part of the case.
    27        This should not take very long.  He says on page 2 of day
    28        264, line 41, he could not remember any actual words and
    29        phrases that were used at the meeting.  I put it to him:
    30        "So were you recording your impressions plus specific
    31        information that you gleaned?  Answer:  Yes, that would be
    32        correct."  He said the report, as far as he remembers, was
    33        based upon his notes.  So he is relying on a report which
    34        may or may not have been based upon his notes, as far as he
    35        remembers, six years later.  He does not know.  This is on
    36        page 3, line 24:  "But you do not remember if it is
    37        identical to your notes?  Answer:  I do not know."  He
    38        says:  "Parts of it are probably word for word, but that is
    39        a guess."  He did not type up the reports himself.  He said
    40        on that page he is relying on the report to refresh his
    41        memory, so he is relying on a document which he did not
    42        write to refresh his memory and that cannot be -- I do not
    43        think that is lawful; I think that is inadmissible.
    45        He says that the first statement written by the solicitors
    46        was based upon this report, I asked him, "as far as you
    47        know?"  Answer: "Yes, yes, that would be so, yes."  That is
    48        all on page 3.  When he signed the statement he did not
    49        check it against the report.  That is on page 3.  So he is
    50        signing a statement which, effectively, he could not 
    51        remember the details of.  I do not see how he could have 
    52        verified the statements.  That shows how unsafe this 
    53        process is, because he is verifying as true something that
    54        he could not possibly know is true because he could not
    55        remember and it was, in any case, based upon the
    56        solicitors' own report that he did not write.
    58        On page 4, between lines 18 and 28, he identifies the nine
    59        people at the meeting that he says were at the meeting and
    60        there is no indication of any members of the public being

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