Day 302 - 18 Nov 96 - Page 02

     1                                      Monday, 18th November 1996
     3   MS. STEEL:  Just before Mr. Morris continues with employment,
     4        there were a couple of legal points I wanted to raise in
     5        relation to publication.  One was that I wanted to know
     6        whether or not the Plaintiffs are still pursuing their
     7        claim that we were the authors, or whatever, whether or not
     8        it is now just back to publication -- distribution, sorry.
    10        The other thing was that there was a reference, I think it
    11        was in September, or it might have been the day we came
    12        back in October, the Plaintiffs were saying something about
    13        they were entitled to use other parts of the notes of the
    14        spies than were raised either in examination-in-chief or in
    15        cross-examination to assist them in proving their case.  I
    16        wanted to know whether or not they were intending to use
    17        any other parts of the notes than were specifically
    18        referred to while the witness was in the witness box giving
    19        evidence.  If they are intending to do so, I would like to
    20        know which parts they are intending to use and, you know,
    21        what is the purpose of it.  Just so that we can address it
    22        in our closing speeches.
    24   MR. RAMPTON:   My Lord, I cannot respond to that last one yet in
    25        detail and would not propose to do so, in any event, unless
    26        your Lordship ordered me to, because I don't believe it is
    27        right that I should dish out in advance parts of my closing
    28        speech.  However, the first two questions I can answer.
    30        So far as Ms. Steel is concerned, I think I made it clear
    31        at some stage, possibly during her cross-examination, that
    32        we would accept that she did not have a hand in the
    33        production of the original leaflet because the chronology
    34        does not work.
    36        So far as Mr. Morris is concerned, the position is entirely
    37        different, because of course he did not give evidence which
    38        means that his Haringey affidavit remains an admission to
    39        the effect that he did.
    41        So far as the second question is concerned -----
    43   MR. MORRIS:   If that is true, I am going to sue Lord Justice
    44        Neill for saying I took part in the distribution of the
    45        fact sheet, as he did in his ruling.
    47   MR. RAMPTON:   Lord Justice Neill did not write and swear the
    48        Haringey affidavit.
    50   MR. MORRIS:   He did his judgment though.
    52   MR. RAMPTON:   That is number one.  The second question is, yes,
    53        it is quite possible that I shall want to refer to parts of
    54        the agents' notes, which I cannot at the moment say which
    55        they would be, which were not specifically referred to
    56        either in evidence-in-chief or in cross-examination.
    58        The reason for that, which is to be found in our written
    59        legal submissions, is this:  that the Defendants in
    60        cross-examination of the agents ranged far and wide over

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