Day 297 - 08 Nov 96 - Page 02

     1                                         Friday, 8th November 1996
     3   MS. STEEL:   I just want to say that I have not actually managed
     4        to do a printout of the references.  I have got a load of
     5        references that were given to me by somebody else who read
     6        a load of transcripts.  Then I have references that I
     7        looked up myself.  It was difficult, sort of, compiling
     8        them and in the end -----
    10   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   What have you got with you at the moment?
    11        You have got your own ones, have you?
    13   MS. STEEL:   Yes.  I have the other ones as well and I have
    14        notes over them and bits where I have checked them.  I am
    15        not sure.  I will read them out.  I don't think it will
    16        take -----
    18   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   It is difficult for me to make a suggestion
    19        when I obviously cannot see what you have, but it does not,
    20        at the end of the day, matter if, for instance, you just go
    21        through your own and then go through those which have been
    22        provided to you, if what, as I hope you are going to do, is
    23        just give me the day and page reference and then the topic
    24        it is on.
    26        If you go through your own first, with which obviously you
    27        are likely to be more familiar, then when you come to the
    28        others you will register as you come to it whether it is
    29        something that bears on something you have already
    30        mentioned.
    32   MS. STEEL:   I am trying to bunch them up according to what they
    33        are related to.
    35   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   By all means do that, but from my point of
    36        view you need not feel taken aback if that begins to fall
    37        apart.  I think it is more important that you get them all
    38        out.  I do not know how long you anticipate taking, but you
    39        have got the weekend coming up, so if you think you have
    40        missed something out or have not put something in its
    41        proper context, you can tell me about it on Monday morning.
    43   MS. STEEL:   Yes, okay.  I will just get on and do this.
    45   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
    47   MS. STEEL:   There was a little bit that I missed out in terms
    48        of numbers of people.
    50        Before I do that, I did check those figures from the London
    51        Food Commission about 32 percent of people coming out of
    52        McDonald's eating fast food every day.  I did check it, and
    53        the 32 percent is for the people coming out of McDonald's
    54        and the 31 percent was for the people coming out of all the
    55        four fast food places that were surveyed, which were the
    56        ones that were read out yesterday, Wimpy, Kentucky Fried
    57        Chicken, McDonald's and a fish and chip shop.  I think that
    58        was what the definition related to.
    60   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.

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