Day 296 - 07 Nov 96 - Page 03

     1        meaning as they pleaded it, not the meaning as you pleaded
     2        it or formulated it when you were arguing about it in
     3        November of last year, but the meaning as I have formulated
     4        it, for better or worse.  Especially since...  I cannot
     5        remember whether you actually got leave to appeal, but, you
     6        know, there was an unsuccessful appeal, just putting it in
     7        general terms.
     9        I can imagine situations where you might want to say --
    10        well, it would not arise in practical circumstances, but if
    11        there was a possibility of an appeal and you were going to
    12        argue on the appeal that the meaning was different to the
    13        one the judge has held, you might want to say "just in case
    14        we turn out to be right about that, we would say this, that
    15        and the other".
    17        But, as I see it at the moment, even that does not arise in
    18        this case.  I may be wrong about that.  The matter is over
    19        and done with, is it not, Mr. Rampton?
    21   MR. RAMPTON:   Sorry, my Lord.  Yes.  I have taken the view
    22        that, in effect, your Lordship's meaning has displaced
    23        everything else that relates to nutrition, apart from food
    24        poisoning of course.
    26   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   Put forward by either side.
    28   MR. RAMPTON:   Oh, yes.  There is no purpose or point in either
    29        side arguing for some different meaning in relation to the
    30        facts, because the facts must be directed at, and only at,
    31        your Lordship's meaning.  That is the meaning found by the
    32        court and we are stuck with that unless and until the Court
    33        of Appeal should say your Lordship is wrong.
    35   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  Not only not directing it at any
    36        different meaning, but any additional defamatory
    37        meaning in this part of the case.  That is putting food
    38        poisoning -----
    40   MR. RAMPTON:   Putting food poisoning on one side, as I
    41        understand the position now, your Lordship's meaning is
    42        exhaustive.
    44   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  That is the way I -----
    46   MR. RAMPTON:   I don't know whether 'G', synthetic chips, would
    47        have fallen within nutrition or not.  It might have been
    48        something to do with aesthetics.  I have never been
    49        impressed by the synthetic chips allegation, except insofar
    50        as it may reflect upon the state of the mind of the person
    51        who wrote it.
    53   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   In other words, what has been pleaded on
    54        either side as being the meaning may be the spur to some
    55        comment related to the meaning as I have found it to be.
    57   MR. RAMPTON:   Of course.
    59   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   But that is the full extent of it.

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