Day 287 - 25 Oct 96 - Page 02

     1                                      Friday, 25th October, 1996
     3   MR. MORRIS:   Just to clear up some matters before I go on to
     4        soya and Guatemala.  I was going to say that I was going to
     5        hope that you read all Mr. Cesca's, I know it is a lot of
     6        transcripts.
     8   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I have.  I have extracted from his evidence
     9        what seemed to me to be the important parts of his
    10        evidence.  There would be no point in me bringing my notes
    11        down.
    13   MR. MORRIS:   No.
    15   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  But I have done.  I have got the nature of
    16        their evidence in mind.  What I have not re-read are the
    17        statements which were adopted in evidence and the
    18        transcripts of your witnesses but which I have said I will
    19        read regardless of which bits you remind me of.  I am going
    20        to re-read the whole lot very carefully.
    22   MR. MORRIS:   Right.
    24   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   What you are really doing, and I have hinted
    25        at this before, I am supposed to have a command of the
    26        whole of the evidence, but what you are doing is drawing to
    27        my attention points which you think are particularly
    28        important, so if I miss anything I don't miss those.
    30   MR. MORRIS:   Right.
    32   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   That is why you can really be quite economic
    33        in just taking the high points of your evidence and the low
    34        points, you would say, of the other side.
    36   MR. MORRIS:   Yes.  On the subject of Mr. Cesca, for reasons
    37        which we have explained, we did not think he was
    38        particularly knowledgeable --
    40   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   I have your comment on that.
    42   MR. MORRIS:   -- in terms of facts and in terms of expertise,
    43        but it is helpful, we feel, to look at his evidence,
    44        because effectively we put our entire case to him and we
    45        believe he made a lot of admissions, some of which may not
    46        be immediately obvious.  I just wanted to flag up a few
    47        extra things.
    49   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   Go through those.  You can do that sort of
    50        thing quite shortly, drawing my attention to the nature of 
    51        the admission. 
    53   MR. MORRIS:   I am going to attempt to finish by lunch time
    54        today.  That is my plan.  On day 225, pages 4 to 6 of his
    55        evidence, it is clear that the only certification which he
    56        has seen or knows about, about no exports from Costa Rica
    57        to McDonald's in the USA or for McDonald's use in the USA,
    58        despite the prosecution of Jungleburger, despite the
    59        controversy around it and McDonald's claim that they would
    60        investigate any supply that they thought was breaching

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