Day 279 - 12 Jul 96 - Page 02

     1                                             Friday, 12th July 1996
     3   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.  Sorry we were a bit late.  We got here just
     4        about on time.  Yes, you should have in front you there a
     5        statement from Professor Susanna Hecht, a supplementary
     6        statement with her CV attached.  Can I just say that I have
     7        got a signed copy that was faxed, if I show it to the
     8        plaintiffs, but this is a better quality because I printed
     9        it out from the E-mail.  Yes, the plaintiffs accept.
    11   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Are you just showing me the signature?  I
    12        accept that from you.
    14   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.
    16   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
    18   MR. MORRIS:  She does apologise for the delay, but she moved
    19        house in the last few weeks and was intending to do it--
    21   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Have you had an opportunity to read that yet
    22        Mr. Rampton?
    24   MR. RAMPTON:  Not yet, my Lord, no.
    26   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Right.  Well, we will put that over until
    27        Wednesday or Thursday.
    29   MR. MORRIS:  I do not intend to go in the witness box.  So we
    30        can get that one out the way, which gives us a bit of
    31        breathing space for other matters.
    33   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Before you go any further, I hope you have
    34        all got -- what I did is, a variety of documents that were
    35        handed in while Miss Steel was giving evidence I just
    36        tucked them in the back of my notebook and I have set them
    37        out there.  I do not think there is any problem about the
    38        first three, it is just convenient that they go there,
    39        because Miss Steel was asked about them.  She was also
    40        asked, or I was handed anyway, the three documents I put
    41        under 2.
    43   MR. RAMPTON:  Well, my Lord, Mrs Brinley-Codd is perfectly
    44        content with your Lordship's suggestion if there is room in
    45        the file.
    47   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  Very well.  Just pause a moment.
    49   MS. STEEL:  I don't know what 4 is.
    51   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  4 is the San Francisco newspaper article
    52        which quoted Mr. Hannon, and I find that extremely
    53        irritating because I not only put the original copy
    54        somewhere I wrote what I thought was a rather good note
    55        about it and I cannot find that either.
    57   MR. RAMPTON:  I cannot recreate that, I am afraid.
    59   MR. JUSTICE BELL: So I am going to start afresh.  My note was
    60        only the possible ramification of it, subject to whatever I

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