Day 275 - 08 Jul 96 - Page 02

     1                                             Monday, 8th July 1996
     3   MS. STEEL:  Just before we come to the list of documents, can I
     4        just say a couple of things?  One is that after Mr. Smith
     5        gave his evidence I looked back through the originals and I
     6        have actually got an original copy of the Veggies'
     7        fact sheet if anybody wants it.
     9   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Is that a spare one?
    11   MS. STEEL:  It is not a spare one it is only one I have got but
    12        if anyone wants to look at it it is the original 208.
    14   MR. MORRIS:  It could be an exhibit.
    16   MR. JUSTICE BELL: What you might think about doing when you come
    17        to give evidence, yours, is just formally to say that that
    18        is, if that be your evidence, an original copy of it.  You
    19        might then be asked any questions about it, but then it can
    20        go in Mr. Riley's box and I can ask Mr. Riley to give it to
    21        me if I want it at any stage.
    23   MS. STEEL:  Okay.  The other thing that I wanted to raise, is a
    24        very brief amendment to our counterclaim, if I can find the
    25        right paragraph, which is that in paragraph 16.
    27   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Let me just find it.
    29   MS. STEEL:  Sorry.
    31   MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes.
    33   MS. STEEL:   To add--
    35   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Where are you in the paragraph 16?
    37   MS. STEEL:   I am not quite sure where it goes but it was just
    38        basically to add "and continues to publish in the paragraph
    39        16 above" just to cover the fact that they are still
    40        carrying on distributing the press releases.
    42   MR. JUSTICE BELL: Well, I will put it in pencil because I have
    43        not heard what Mr. Rampton wants to say.  But--
    45   MS. STEEL:   I suppose it could be, like, 16A, or something.
    47   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What it should say is that, at the beginning
    48        of 16, "during May 1994 and since then, the second
    49        Plaintiff published or caused to be published and has
    50        continued to publish and caused to be published within the
    51        jurisdiction" et cetera.
    53   MS. STEEL:   Yes.
    55   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Do you have anything to say about that Mr.
    56        Rampton?
    58   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, only this, that I did not hear a word of
    59        it, and I do not know what the evidence is.

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