Day 271 - 01 Jul 96 - Page 03
1 still obviously considerably edited but less so as a result
2 of my ruling - is it the second one?
4 MR. MORRIS: It is the second one, yes, and I cannot find a copy
5 of it. I do not know--
7 MR. RAMPTON: I am sorry I cannot help. I have not had much to
8 do with it. Mr. Atkinson is the man in charge of this
9 particular matter, my Lord.
11 MR. MORRIS: I know that the original newspaper article we were
12 going to rely on was defendant's supplementary documents
13 volume 6, according to my note anyway. I do not know if it
14 was put behind that to be the logical place.
16 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Just pause a moment and let us see. (Pause)
18 MR. RAMPTON: I do not know what your Lordship thinks. It may
19 be the video is the thing that matters rather than the
20 transcript, now that we have done the video. Presumably,
21 those are, as it were, the best evidence of what was said.
22 I think you have intimations as well as photographs. It
23 may be better just to show the video, which I think takes
24 about quarter-of-an-hour, 20 minutes, let your Lordship
25 see the video and then we can all lay hands on the
26 transcript later on for the purpose of making final
27 submissions.
29 MR. MORRIS: Yes, of course, that would be a good idea. It is
30 just that if we have the transcript it will save time in
31 writing out the relevant bits because there are only about
32 three or four relevant bits that we have given notice that
33 we were going to rely on.
35 MR. JUSTICE BELL: No. My search is largely irritation at
36 myself. I cannot remember where it was put, and I know I
37 have got it noted down somewhere, but it being Monday
38 morning I cannot remember at all where it is.
40 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, I am afraid I cannot remember that which
41 I never knew.
43 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If it really is only quarter-of-an-hour, 20
44 minutes, to see the video I suggest I watch it, because if
45 at some stage in the future there is some argument about
46 the way in which something was said then we are going to
47 have to look at it anyway. I hope someone will actually
48 give me the reference. If anyone can remember the date
49 when it was handed in I will probably have written in my
50 notebook where I put it.
52 MR. MORRIS: The original shorter transcript was 8th March.
54 MR. JUSTICE BELL: No, the longer one.
56 MR. RAMPTON: We will track it down. We would want to rely on
57 the whole of the edited video, anyway, for context. So
58 much the best thing is for your Lordship to see it.
60 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Let us see it now.