Day 253 - 21 May 96 - Page 02

     1                                      Tuesday, 21st May, 1996
     3   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, can I say some words about the matter
     4        which your Lordship raised at the end of yesterday's
     5        hearing?
     7        My Lord, I start with the observation that the whole of the
     8        cross-examination yesterday was devoted to referring
     9        Professor Naismith to parts in the grey book by Homer and
    10        The World Health Authority publication, and asking him
    11        whether or not he agreed with it.  As a way of introducing
    12        passages that was a pointless exercise, because all the
    13        Defendants need to do for that purpose is simply to refer
    14        your Lordship to various passages upon which they rely in
    15        the case. However, since it was cross-examination of a
    16        witness, an expert witness, one must assume that it had
    17        some relevance to the issues in this case.
    19        My Lord, it is trite to observe this is not a Public Health
    20        Inquiry.  This is adversarial proceedings in which the
    21        issue of this, which your Lordship is presently deciding,
    22        is an instruction of quality of McDonald's food.
    24   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Is not part of that diet and cardio-vascular
    25        disease generally?
    27   MR. RAMPTON:  Only insofar as it can be referred or applied to
    28        McDonald's food.
    30   MR. JUSTICE BELL: I appreciate that, but the only parts
    31        I allowed in of Professor Naismith were the parts which
    32        related to diet generally and cardio-vascular disease.  It
    33        is true that in the very last paragraph there is a mention
    34        of McDonald's food and cardio-vascular disease, but that
    35        went in part, I suppose, because of reluctance to edit out
    36        individual passages.
    38   MR. RAMPTON:  Any relevance of cardio-vascular in this case is
    39        in so far as it relates to McDonald's food.
    41   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I appreciate that, but what I did not allow
    42        in was anything which was to do with McDonald's food
    43        specifically.
    45   MR. RAMPTON:  I understand that, but the cross-examination can
    46        only have been intended to have this effect, that at the
    47        end of the case the Defendants want to be in a position to
    48        say that they rely upon Professor Naismith's answers in
    49        cross-examination in relation to McDonald's food; that can
    50        only be the only legitimate purpose of it. 
    52        If that is right, then I, as the counsel on the other side, 
    53        am entitled by way of re-examination to seek clarification
    54        or explanation of the answers given so far as that is
    55        relevant to the issues in this case.  Since, if I am right,
    56        the only relevant question is how far those answers have
    57        any bearing upon the effect of even McDonald's food, then,
    58        in my submission, I am entitled to ask Professor Naismith,
    59        and, my Lord, I am not saying it

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