Day 238 - 22 Apr 96 - Page 02

     1                                 Monday, 22nd April, 1996.
     3   MR. MORRIS:   The witness is here.  She has just nipped out.
     5   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   Yes.
     7   MR. MORRIS:   A couple of preliminaries.  The map of the
     8        deforestation in Central America, progressive deforestation
     9        map that was in the Jim Nations' article, I have got a copy
    10        of it for everybody with a cover note from the man that did
    11        the map.  (Same handed).  I hope it is easy to see the
    12        different shadings on the map.
    14   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
    16   MR. MORRIS:  If it is challenged in any way, then we will put a
    17        Civil Act Notice on the cover note and that material, but
    18        you did say at one stage that you do not need that for
    19        maps.
    21   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Well ----
    23   MR. MORRIS:  But in this case, if it is needed, the nature of it
    24         ----
    26   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I do not think it has ever been said it is
    27        not needed for maps.  Obviously, if they appear to be
    28        official maps, it seems to me it is a short route to all
    29        the parties agreeing them and then, once they are agreed,
    30        of course, you do not need to prove them.
    32   MR. MORRIS:  Right.  Well, if we can formally, then, just for
    33        the record, put a Civil Evidence Act Notice on these maps
    34        with the cover note from Doctor John Cotter from
    35        Southwestern University.  He is abroad and, therefore,
    36        unable to attend court.  For that reason, there is a Civil
    37        Evidence Act Notice anyway on the article by Mr. Nations by
    38        way of backup.
    40   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   Yes, I understand that.  I am going to put
    41        those for the moment behind Doctor Nation.
    43   MR. MORRIS:   Yes, please.  We will not be referring to them
    44        today.
    46   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No.
    48   MR. MORRIS:  There is just one other document which is a map
    49        which the witness brought in today, which we have served on
    50        the Plaintiffs this morning, just showing the areas in Mato 
    51        Grosso do Sul which are traditionally Indian lands. 
    53   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  You are obviously going to have to ask Miss
    54        Watson where names and areas appear to point them out to us
    55        on one larger scale map or another.
    57   MR. MORRIS:   Yes. Hopefully, that will help.
    59   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I leave you to choose the map.  If you can do
    60        it on Senor Morganti's map, so much the better because we

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