Day 204 - 15 Jan 96 - Page 02

     1                                      Monday, 15th January, 1996.
     3   MR. MORRIS:  I just want to mention that I have served the
     4        interrogatories on the Plaintiffs regarding the Child
     5        Labour US violations that Mr. Stein said he had no personal
     6        knowledge of, in his additional statement.  We now have
     7        interrogatories to answer.
     9   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I suggest we deal with that when we deal with
    10        your interrogatories about Brazil.
    12   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, Mr. Harney is here.  Before I call him,
    13        can I do something which I keep meaning to do and keep
    14        forgetting to do.  I told your Lordship some time ago that
    15        I had made a sort of chronological table with the various
    16        Colchester people.  The only people that are not on it are
    17        Mr. Skehel and Mr. Atherton.  But it may be of some use.
    19   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes, thank you.
    21   MR. RAMPTON:  One can see at a glance who did what and when.  It
    22        is based, of course, on the computer printout career
    23        records.
    25   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
    27   MR. RAMPTON:  Mr. Harney, would you go into the witness box?
    29                        MR. STEPHEN HARNEY, sworn
    30                       Examined by MR. RAMPTON Q.C.
    32   MR. RAMPTON:  Mr. Harney, do you think you could find behind you
    33        on the shelves a volume which has a yellow back to it and
    34        has a "XB" on it, and please turn inside that to tab 34A.
    35        A.  OK.
    37   Q.   You should find there a statement headed "Steve Harney"?
    38        A.  Certainly have, yes.
    40   Q.   Could you turn to the last page, which is page 6?  You see
    41        there the signature there and the date 5th January of this
    42        year?
    43        A.  Yes.
    45   Q.   Is that your signature?
    46        A.  It is.
    48   Q.   Have you read the statement recently?
    49        A.  Yes.
    51   Q.   Is that a statement you made for the purpose of these 
    52        proceedings? 
    53        A.  Yes, I did.
    55   Q.   Is it true?
    56        A.  Yes, it is.
    58   Q.   Could you also look behind and just check for us that there
    59        is behind that a copy of a PR of yours; is there?
    60        A.  There is a copy of a PR, yes.

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