Day 199 - 11 Dec 95 - Page 04

     1        A.  They -- all management.
     3   Q.   Not ----
     4        A.  I fell into that trap as well, yes.  The theory was
     5        that if somebody -- the psychology and the training, how to
     6        get them motivated, if a member of staff was doing
     7        something correctly, you would praise them in public,
     8        praise in public, tell off in private.  There was very
     9        little praising went on but an awful lot of telling off, in
    10        my experience.
    12   Q.   "The single rap session which took place in my store during
    13        the time that I was there was a good example of this
    14        divergence between theory and reality.  In theory, I had
    15        been told that the 'rap' system was a system by which the
    16        employees could air their grievances with Management.  In
    17        practice, what actually happened was that the employees
    18        were most reluctant to go to the session at all.  The rap
    19        session was conducted by an Area Manager from another
    20        area.  The idea behind this was supposedly to induce
    21        employees to feel that there was some independence in this
    22        complaints procedure.  However, there was a widespread fear
    23        that anything that was said at the rap session would get
    24        straight back to the Management of the store with resulting
    25        recriminations.  In the end, so few people were willing to
    26        attend the meeting that the management had to actually pick
    27        people and tell them to attend".
    29        How do you know that that happened?
    30        A.  Well, in the rap session that took place in our store,
    31        we were some people short and the Manager actually told
    32        me:  "Get some more people along to this".  I had to
    33        actually recruit, if you like, two or three people extra
    34        and more or less coerce them, cajole them and talk them
    35        into attending the rap session.
    37   Q.   "At Hamburger University Trainee Managers were told that
    38        they were supposed to treat crew how they themselves would
    39        want to be treated".  Is that what happened in the store,
    40        in reality?
    41        A.  I was going back to my earlier answer, not really, no.
    43   Q.   "Trainee Managers were also given training to enable them
    44        to handle the store paper work.
    46        All the training information used by McDonald's came out of
    47        one book, the Training Manual, which was basically the
    48        McDonald's bible of all the rules and regulations.  It is a
    49        very large book, about the size of a telephone directory.
    50        McDonald's Managers were supposed to know everything that 
    51        was in it.  Copies of the Manual were very tightly 
    52        guarded. 
    54        McDonald's made it very clear to all employees, including
    55        myself, that the whole organisation was very closed to the
    56        press.  I was told that, as a general rule, no employees
    57        were to talk to the press unless authorised."
    59        Was there a reason given for this when you were told about
    60        that?

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