Day 195 - 04 Dec 95 - Page 02

     1                                      Monday, 4th December 1995
     3   MR. MORRIS:  Before we start, there are a couple of things.
     4        Mr. Brett who is due next Monday ---
     6   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
     8   MR. MORRIS:  -- said that he sent to me in the post either last
     9        Thursday or last Friday a letter or further statement
    10        verifying that the other statements of the Colchester
    11        witnesses are accurate, as far as he recalls and knows, and
    12        that he wants to make a statement.  It has not arrived this
    13        morning, but I thought I had better let the court know as
    14        soon as possible.  Obviously, we will fax it to the
    15        Plaintiffs as soon as we get the copy.
    17        The second thing is the documents related to Ray Coton
    18        which we applied for, well, last week we applied for
    19        documents relating to his complaints before he resigned
    20        which we have had no reply from the Plaintiffs at all.
    21        Then we made a further request following the discussion on,
    22        is it, Friday -- I cannot remember -- about the Plaintiffs
    23        calling further witnesses.  We made a further
    24        request -- did you have a copy of that?  You should have a
    25        copy that was sent to the court.
    27   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I do not think I do.  I am not concerned at
    28        the moment with the Defendants' further witnesses.  Unless
    29        they relate to something which appears for the very first
    30        time in Mr. Coton, I am very unlikely to give leave to
    31        McDonald's to call any further witnesses with regard to
    32        Colchester.  I am entirely I disinclined to get tangled up
    33        in an argument when I may very well at the end of the day
    34        not give leave for them to be called, quite frankly.
    36        If in so far as Mr. Coton's evidence brings up something of
    37        which there was no warning in the witness statements which
    38        you have produced, or if in so far as something significant
    39        comes right out of the blue in one of your statements which
    40        those advising McDonald's had no reason to foresee, then if
    41        an application is made to call further evidence on behalf
    42        of McDonald's or to recall one of their witnesses who has
    43        gone ahead, I will listen to it and I may grant it.  But if
    44        all Mr. Coton has done is say that which your witnesses say
    45        was happening during Mr. Davis' period "continued when
    46        I was doing it", I probably will not want to hear any more
    47        from McDonald's because that is not anything new or,
    48        arguably, is not anything new; it is just something more of
    49        the same.
    51        I will hear what Mr. Rampton has to say and I will consider 
    52        it afresh when I hear the argument, but I do not want you 
    53        to be going around worrying about what may come from
    54        McDonald's in the future.
    56   MR. MORRIS:  It is just that if, for example -- I made a formal
    57        request to the Plaintiffs, and you should have got a copy,
    58        but it was that if it was going to be considered that Mark
    59        Davis or Mr. Stanton be recalled, we had requested copies
    60        of their performance reviews.

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