Day 183 - 03 Nov 95 - Page 02

     1                                      Friday, 3rd November 1995
     3   MS. STEEL:   If I could call Mrs. Baker, please?
     5   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
     7                         SARAH BAKER, affirmed
     8                       Examined by the Defendants
    10   MS. STEEL:   Could you give us your full name, please?
    11        A.  Sarah Baker.
    13   Q.   Could you tell us your present occupation?
    14        A.  Reflexologist.
    16   Q.   Perhaps the easiest thing is if you get your statement out;
    17        it should be on the top row behind you, pale blue bundle,
    18        I think it is No. 3.
    20   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  It is No. 3, yes.  It is divider 12.
    22   MS. STEEL:   I think it is 12.
    24   MR. RAMPTON:  2 it is, my Lord; 3 is the Civil Evidence Act.
    26   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Sorry, that is quite right.  Yes, it is pale
    27        blue 2.  Can you put that one away?
    29   MS. STEEL:   Sorry about that.
    31   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Thank you.  Divider 12.
    33   MS. STEEL (To the witness):  You used to work for McDonald's,
    34        that is correct?
    35        A.  Yes, it is, yes.
    37   Q.   Which store was that?
    38        A.  Sidcup.
    40   Q.   Right.  I will read through your statement and then if at
    41        the end of it you can say whether or not you confirm its
    42        accuracy or whether there is anything you want to correct.
    43        In fact, if there is anything you want to correct as I am
    44        going through it, then say so.
    45        A.  Yes.
    47   Q.   The statement of Sarah Baker:  "I was employed by
    48        McDonald's to work at their Sidcup Fast Food Restaurant
    49        situated at 186 High Street, Sidcup, Kent, from 5th January
    50        1985 until 29th May 1985 inclusive. 
    52        This statement consists of a record of the events leading 
    53        up to my eventual dismissal from my employment with
    54        McDonald's on 29th May 1985, and my subsequent claim
    55        against McDonald's for unfair dismissal.  It also includes
    56        an account of the normal working hours that one worked at
    57        the Sidcup Restaurant.
    59        In May 1985 I was pregnant for my first child.  I had
    60        informed my manager in March 1985 of my condition.  It was

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