Day 163 - 25 Sep 95 - Page 02

     1                                      Monday, 25th September 1995.
     3   MR. MORRIS:  I have handed up some documents today.  I do not
     4        know if you have got the pile?  You do not have to read
     5        them all now, but they are mainly to do with witnesses, new
     6        witnesses, supplementary statements, translations of
     7        statements and things like that.  Would you like me to go
     8        through them or would you prefer if there are any problems
     9        with them to ask me?
    11   MR. RAMPTON:  Before Mr. Morris does anything with them, I would
    12        not mind having a chance to read them.  I only got them two
    13        weeks ago.  In fact, that is something he might like to
    14        think about in due course.
    16   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I will just keep them in the bundle at the
    17        moment.  If Mr. Rampton has anything to say about them in
    18        due course, of course, I will hear him.  What I would like
    19        you to do, presumably, you have more than one copy of the
    20        list of what the documents are?
    22   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.
    24   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What I suggest you do overnight (and it
    25        should not take very long) is mark on it where you are
    26        suggesting they should go in the bundle, subject to any
    27        objection, so I know where to put them.
    29   MR. MORRIS:  The only problem with that is I am not sure my
    30        filing system is the same as the court's.
    32   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Do not worry; kick off with your system and
    33        if there is any difficulty, we will sort it out.  I was
    34        going to ask if there was a translation of Mr. Gary's
    35        statement.
    37   MR. MORRIS:  None of the things disclosed there need immediate
    38        reference or action, except the most important is
    39        underneath the cover note the fact there is a list of
    40        outstanding legal matters which we consider need to be
    41        considered this week.  So the second sheet should be a
    42        handwritten list of seven points which are in no particular
    43        order.  It says, "Nutrition strike out application".  There
    44        is a skeleton argument immediately under that document on
    45        the nutrition matter; amendment to the Defence, proposed
    46        amendments of the Defence and that is immediately under the
    47        skeleton.  I think they are the most two important
    48        documents for immediate consideration in that pile.
    50        There may be counterclaim matters, discovery of documents, 
    51        there may be some matters on that.  I was hoping to leave 
    52        that until at least tomorrow.  There are some outstanding 
    53        disputes between the parties and other matters to do with
    54        discovery.  Scheduling, I think, both sides want to bring
    55        that up anyway; No. 6, outstanding witnesses, which is
    56        really part of scheduling.  I do not know if there are any
    57        further matters the Plaintiffs want to bring up this week
    58        that are not on that list?
    60   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  You have applications to make, so I suggest

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