Day 155 - 14 Jul 95 - Page 07

     2   Q.   So you are employed by the Company?
     3        A.  Yes.
     5   Q.   Does the Company own the store?
     6        A.  That is correct.
     8   Q.   On top of your salary, what sort of profit sharing bonuses
     9        or additions do you get?
    10        A.  You could receive anything from zero to £5,000 per
    11        annum.
    13   Q.   What was it that prompted you to climb off the ordinary
    14        McDonald's career ladder and move sideways into, as it
    15        were, much more of a business of running your own business?
    16        A.  Well, I felt that after 14 years of being in the
    17        Company, and obviously with the Company expanding, my
    18        long-term goal was always to be a franchisee.
    20   Q.   Has that remained your long-term goal?
    21        A.  That is correct, and this is very much a stepping stone
    22        towards that.
    24   Q.   Now that you are General Manager, you do not have an Area
    25        Supervisor or Area Manager looking after you; is that
    26        right?
    27        A.  No.
    29   Q.   Is there anybody within the Company who keeps a check on
    30        what you are doing?
    31        A.  Yes, I have a Field Consultant.
    33   Q.   As though you were a licensee, in effect; is that right?
    34        A.  That is correct.
    36   Q.   How often do you see him or her?
    37        A.  Maybe twice, three times a month.
    39   Q.   Twice, three times a month?
    40        A.  Yes.
    42   Q.   Does the Field Consultant give you any formal audits?
    43        A.  Yes, he carries out the basic sort of quality, service,
    44        cleanliness, audits.  Together with that, quarterly we are
    45        assessed on training personnel practices, etc. etc.
    47   Q.   Does the Human Resources Department audit you?
    48        A.  Once a year they will come in unannounced and audit us.
    50   Q.   Does the consultant always announce his visits when he 
    51        comes to audit you? 
    52        A.  It is normally based at one quarter, yes, one quarter, 
    53        no.
    55   Q.   You were a Supervisor for, I think, at any rate six or
    56        seven years -- six on my arithmetic.  Did you carry out
    57        restaurant audits yourself when you were a Supervisor?
    58        A.  Yes, I had to do all those audits monthly per
    59        restaurant.

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