Day 133 - 12 Jun 95 - Page 02

     1                                           Monday, 12th June 1995.
     3   MR. MORRIS:  I just wanted to raise one brief legal matter.  We
     4        wanted the woman who was director of the film One Every
     5        Mile  ---
     7   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
     9   MR. MORRIS:  -- to give us the uncut transcripts of the footage
    10        because there were some questions Mr. Nicholson asked about
    11        the order or he had made some points about the order of the
    12        speed or whatever of the film.  Because she had signed an
    13        agreement with McDonald's when she made the film not to use
    14        any of the material for purposes other than making the
    15        documentary, she wanted and assurance that she would be
    16        protected, she would not have any claims as a result of
    17        passing information or, if necessary, coming into court to
    18        verify the film.  Mrs. Brinley-Codd has given us that
    19        assurance.  She just wanted it on the record.
    21   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes, thank you.
    23                           MS. MEAD, sworn
    24                       Examined by MR. RAMPTON
    26   Q.   Do I call you Mrs., Miss or Ms?
    27        A.  I do not really mind, but Ms. probably.
    29   Q.   All right.  I will try "Ms."  I am not very good at "Ms."
    30        but I will do my best.  Do you give your address as
    31        McDonald's Restaurants Limited in East Finchley?
    32        A.  Yes.
    34   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  You should have had bags of practice by now,
    35        but there we are.  We will call Ms. Mead "Ms. Mead" because
    36        that is her preference.
    38   MR. RAMPTON:  Are you a regional Human Resources Manager for
    39        McDonald's in this country?
    40        A.  Yes.
    42   Q.   At the time when you made your statement for the purposes
    43        of this case you were 33 years of age?
    44        A.  Yes, I think I was, yes.
    46   Q.   Tell us, please, what a regional Human Resources Manager
    47        actually does?
    48        A.  Well, I am responsible for working with people who work
    49        in the restaurants, the line management and so on,
    50        providing training and advice in human resources matters. 
    52   Q.   What is your region? 
    53        A.  London and the South which has now been split into two
    54        regions and I am responsible for both.
    56   Q.   For both?
    57        A.  Yes.
    59   Q.   So the south is now a separate region from London, is it?
    60        A.  It is actually London North and London South.  That is

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