Day 129 - 25 May 95 - Page 02

     1                                      Thursday, 25th May 1995.
     3   MS. STEEL:   I have spoken to Mr. Morris and he says he
     4        definitely has someone for tomorrow, but he asked about
     5        starting at 10.15 rather than 10.30.  The other thing was
     6        when I spoke to him this morning, he said something about
     7        he might be able to get someone for this afternoon --
     8        I think somebody he had known for years had turned up; I am
     9        not sure what it was -- but he was going to telephone the
    10        court this morning to find out.
    12   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  If he rings Mr. Stiles, well and good,
    13        otherwise I will ask Mr. Stiles to try to contact him late
    14        in the morning.
    16   MS. STEEL:  The other thing is that I do not expect to go beyond
    17        this morning.  In fact, I am not really sure I have a
    18        massive amount left.
    20   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  The one thing you should not do -- I am not
    21        suggesting you would -- is carry on in the hope that you
    22        will bridge any gap between the end of your
    23        cross-examination and when Mr. Morris might start his,
    24        because, subject to anything Mr. Rampton wants to say, it
    25        would obviously be convenient if Mr. Morris gets here this
    26        afternoon, but if he did not, we would break off at the end
    27        of your cross-examination-- this would be my proposal, Mr.
    28        Rampton -- and come in the morning, so that Mr. Morris can
    29        cross-examine tomorrow.
    31   MR. RAMPTON:  What I respectfully suggest is if we get news from
    32        Mr. Morris that he is coming this afternoon before Ms.
    33        Steel has finished, then she can stop, we can all go away
    34        and, if it is convenient to your Lordship, come back at
    35        2.00.
    37   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Let us see how we go.
    39   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, I do have some of the documents that your
    40        Lordship indicated that we might consider disclosing.  One
    41        is a blank McDonald's restaurant safety audit form.  My
    42        Lord, I have, because Mrs. Barnes brought them, three
    43        copies -- aside perhaps from her own personal copy, which
    44        might be marked, I do not know -- of the Government
    45        publication Successful Health and Safety Management which
    46        is mentioned in the HSE Report we have already.  Those are
    47        the only three that we have.  They cost £10 each.  I am
    48        quite willing for them to be handed out and looked at, but
    49        there is not quite enough for everybody.
    51   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What I suggest for the time being -- you want 
    52        to keep one for yourself? 
    54   MR. RAMPTON:  Yes.
    56   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Mrs. Barnes is obviously familiar with
    57        it. What I suggest is you keep one, lend two to Ms. Steel
    58        for the time being.
    60   MR. RAMPTON:  Does your Lordship not want one?

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