Day 126 - 17 May 95 - Page 03

     1        refusal of the Judge to grant the adjournment was
     2        reversed.  (Howland-Jackson v. Roger Greene)".  I have a
     3        copy of that.  That was all that was in the library.
     4        I think it is all of it.
     6   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
     8   MS. STEEL:  It is actually the fourth paragraph, not the fifth,
     9        in the White Book.
    11   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Do you know what attempt Mr. Morris had made
    12        to look for help to look after his son?
    14   MS. STEEL:   At the present time his son is still quite upset,
    15        so he is not happy to leave him.  Also, because he does not
    16        have money to pay for a qualified child minder, it makes it
    17        very difficult because, obviously, he would need someone
    18        that was quite experienced at looking after a child with a
    19        broken leg or some similar injury.
    21   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What I am doing is thinking aloud because
    22        I think what we have to try to do is find a solution to
    23        this problem which does not involve not sitting for several
    24        weeks.  It may well be possible to find some solution.  For
    25        instance, I do not suppose Mr. Morris has a lot of
    26        experience in looking after a child with his leg in
    27        plaster.  Of course, he is the father so he is well
    28        acquainted with the boy and the boy has confidence in him.
    30   MS. STEEL:  I think that is part of the problem, obviously,
    31        because of the special circumstances Mr. Morris is going to
    32        be particularly concerned about who he would leave to look
    33        in charge of his son.
    35   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Do you know if he has made an attempt to
    36        find -- you see, I purposely when the question of looking
    37        after -- what is his name, Charlie?
    39   MS. STEEL:   Yes.
    41   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  -- in the past the question of care of
    42        Charlie has cropped up, and I have not made personal
    43        enquiries of Mr. Morris, because it has not been necessary,
    44        but I think one has to look at it now in this situation.
    45        Does he have members of his family who live nearby?
    47   MS. STEEL:  No, not really.
    49   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Mother or his sister or someone like that?
    51   MS. STEEL:  His parents lives quite some distance away and they 
    52        are also quite elderly and I do not think they would be 
    53        look after him.
    55   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, wonder -- this is entirely in the spirit
    56        of constructive assistance -- I actually have instructions
    57         -- I confess that it is a self-interested suggestion to
    58        this extent -- so as to avoid a long adjournment of this
    59        trial, which is maybe two thirds of its way through, from
    60        McDonald's, from Mr. Preston, who knows about this, that

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