Day 089 - 15 Feb 95 - Page 04

     1        A.  Yes, part of the declaration when we are admitted to
     2        the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons is that we have to
     3        make, as part of our oath, we have to swear that we will
     4        take animal welfare into part of our day-to-day work, so it
     5        is a major consideration.
     7   Q.   You became a member in 1968, I do not know, about 25 years
     8        ago, something like that.  Do you take that obligation
     9        seriously that you swore to when you became a member?
    10        A.  I do take it very seriously and I regard it as a great
    11        privilege to be a member of the Royal College.
    13   Q.   Do you find that your work at Sun Valley in any sense
    14        conflicts with that undertaking that you made when you
    15        became a member of the Royal Society -- college, I mean?
    16        A.  It does not at all.  I feel that it is very important
    17        that industry is correctly advised in matters of animal
    18        welfare, animal husbandry and production, and I think it is
    19        very important that the veterinary profession be involved
    20        in all types of farming enterprises.
    22   Q.   What was it motivated you to join Sun Valley?  Was it just
    23        that there was a nice job at a good wage?
    24        A.  The job that became vacant was to be responsible for
    25        their veterinary services for the laboratories.  It was a
    26        company with a wide range of interests which included
    27        chickens and turkeys, production and breeding, hatcheries
    28        and factories.  So, it gave a very broad opportunity to
    29        take an active interest in all these different activities.
    31   Q.   I think you joined them in 1982, am I right?
    32        A.  That is correct.
    34   Q.   After qualifying in 1968 as a vet, what sort of things did
    35        you do?  Just do not bother with precise years but give us,
    36        as it were, a chronological brief account of what you did
    37        between 1968 and 1982?
    38        A.  Well, I went into general practice to start with and
    39        I was in general practice for a short time.  I have always
    40        had a great interest to do laboratory and research work.
    41        So, after a couple of years I joined the Ministry of
    42        Agriculture at their central veterinary laboratory and
    43        there I started to work on poultry diseases.
    45   Q.   Have you specialised in poultry ever since?
    46        A.  I have specialised ever since.
    48   Q.   How long did you work on research into poultry diseases?
    49        A.  For nearly five years.
    51   Q.   After that what did you do? 
    52        A.  After that I went into industry and joined the Ross 
    53        Poultry Breeding Company up in Scotland involved in the
    54        health and welfare of breeding stock.
    56   Q.   That takes us up to your joining Sun Valley in 1982?
    57        A.  That is correct.
    59   Q.   When you joined Sun Valley had you had a predecessor as, as
    60        it were, a veterinary officer of the company?

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