Day 085 - 08 Feb 95 - Page 02

     1                                 Wednesday 8th February, 1995.
     3   MS. STEEL:   We decided to serve a Civil Evidence Act Notice in
     4        respect of Mr. Clark's statement.  We have marked the parts
     5        of the statement that we want the Civil Evidence Act to
     6        apply to on our behalf.
     8   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Hand to that Mrs. Brinley-Codd.
    10   MS. STEEL:  I have handed one to them.
    12   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I do not need to see it yet, do I, because
    13        I do not know what will come of it at the end of the day.
    14        Hold on to it for a moment somewhere because I do not know
    15        whether there will be a counter notice, or whether you will
    16        reach some agreement as to what parts go in or whether the
    17        whole goes in.
    19   MS. STEEL:  Right.  I wanted to bring up about the funeral.
    20        I do know that it is next Tuesday, as I said.  It is the
    21        funeral of a friend.  I would ask that the court did not
    22        sit on that day because Mr. Bowes, it was mainly me who was
    23        going to be cross-examining him.
    25   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Do you know -- it is next Tuesday, is it?
    27   MS. STEEL:  Yes.
    29   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  It is in the Midlands, is it?
    31   MS. STEEL:  Yes.
    33   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Is there anything you wish to say,
    34        Mr. Rampton?
    36   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, about the funeral at the moment, no.
    37        About Mr. Ashley Bowes, emphatically yes.  Unless your
    38        Lordship declines to hear his evidence on Monday, I intend
    39        to call him as the witness at 10.30 on Monday morning.
    40        I have said (and I adhere to this) that I will be
    41        relatively short with him ending, I hope, round about
    42        mid-day on that day.  If Ms. Steel is to do the majority of
    43        the cross-examination (which need not surprise us because
    44        he is an animals person), then she can start at that time.
    45        Given the evidence of Dr. Gregory, it may be -- I am not
    46        trying to put pressure on Ms. Steel -- that she will be
    47        finished her part of the cross-examination at least by the
    48        end of Monday, otherwise one will have to see what must
    49        happen.  My Lord, I might have a submission to make in
    50        reserve of that, but I would prefer, if I may, to keep that 
    51        for the moment. 
    53   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  At the moment I agree that we should start
    54        with Mr. Bowes on Monday.  We will sit all day Monday
    55        hearing his evidence.  At the moment I am minded to say we
    56        will not sit at all on Tuesday because the evidence which
    57        will be given on that day is Mr. Bowes, and it is quite
    58        apparent that the first of the two Defendants, that is
    59        Ms. Steel, has a particular interest in animal welfare and
    60        Mr. Bowes' evidence is particularly concerned with that.

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