Day 081 - 31 Jan 95 - Page 02

     1                                      Tuesday, 31st January, 1995.
     3   MR. RAMPTON:  That is Professor Jackson in the witness box.
     4        Before I start asking questions, there is a table which
     5        came from Scotland I had this morning (which I have given
     6        one to the Defendants) to which Professor Jackson may make
     7        reference this morning.  Mrs. Brinley-Codd has put an
     8        indicator on where it should go, behind Professor Jackson's
     9        statement.
    11   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Thank you, yes.  I am sorry, I referred to
    12        him yesterday as "Dr. Jackson"; I doubt he minds much but
    13        it is important to get these titles right.  Before
    14        Professor Jackson is sworn or affirmed, there is one matter
    15        I would like to mention just in case I forget it, which is
    16        that I read the BCNZ v. Crush, the New Zealand case, with
    17        some interest.  It has reminded me that before we come back
    18        to any nutrition witnesses and, therefore, really
    19        before either side makes any decision on who, if anyone,
    20        should be recalled, it might be helpful just to have a few
    21        minutes -- it probably will not be more -- to consider what
    22        the ramifications of the leave to amend 4F are.  I have in
    23        mind in that case the Plaintiff opted to stand on the
    24        meaning which was pleaded rather than to bat, as it were,
    25        as an alternative for any lesser meaning.
    27   MR. RAMPTON:  Yes, I would have to say, I think, that it may
    28        require further discussion in due course, my present view
    29        would be that that part of Crush does not represent the law
    30        of England.
    32   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No.  A reference was made to Slim but not to
    33        the part of Slim which would appear to be different to
    34        that.  I am not wanting to embark on it now, but in case,
    35        it having occurred to me, I forget to mention it, I have
    36        mentioned it now because, obviously, if it is worth
    37        discussing it is worth discussing sometime before any
    38        recall actually occurs.
    40   MR. RAMPTON:  Yes, because on one view it would make the recall
    41        unnecessary.
    43   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes, either way.  There may be one or two
    44        things I want to say to the Defendants.  Have you actually
    45        got a photocopy of that case?
    47   MS. STEEL:  I think that is the one Mr. Rampton gave us.
    49   MR. RAMPTON:  Yes, I did.
    51   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  You have, very well. 
    53   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, there will in relation to that discussion
    54        be other cases besides Slim, I think, in the Court of
    55        Appeal more recently which I will make copies of for
    56        everybody as the time approaches.
    58   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  If you can at some stage hand Mr. Stiles just
    59        a list of what they are, I will look at them in advance.

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