Day 076 - 18 Jan 95 - Page 05

     1        ask you about something else, at least one will hear the
     2        question and if any objection is taken to it, I can rule on
     3        it.  But, in the first instance, Mr. McIntyre, if you would
     4        so kind, just stick to your own experience.
     6   MS. STEEL:  Can I make an observation which I wanted to make
     7        before Mr. Rampton jumped up and got in there first:
     8        Firstly, Mr. McIntyre is aware that he is here to talk
     9        about environment/index.html">litter.  I think it is a bit unreasonable, or
    10        whatever, to expect him to delete any reference to anything
    11        else.  I understand that we do not want to go into anything
    12        else, but it places, I do not know, restraints on the flow
    13        of what people are saying if they are prevented -----
    15   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  It need not do; if you want to tell me
    16        something about environment/index.html">litter which will bring in some other
    17        complaint, and you really using your best judgment and in
    18        good faith feel it is impossible to make sense of it
    19        without making another topic, just tell me about that.
    20        But, by and large, you should be able to manage.  Let us
    21        see how we go.
    23   MS. STEEL:  The other matter is the matter of the Residents
    24        Association and what is said at meetings.  We have heard
    25        all sorts of evidence brought by the Plaintiffs about what
    26        has been said to them by other company representatives.  If
    27        Mr. McIntyre is from a Residents Association, I do not see
    28        how that is any different -- he is an official of that
    29        organisation -- to an official of McDonald's saying, you
    30        know, what he had been told at a company meeting.
    32   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  The same rules apply.  If you take objection
    33        to something like that, then I will hear the objection.
    34        Certainly, if it is hearsay, I will not take it into
    35        account as evidence unless Mr. Rampton is able to urge upon
    36        me that it comes within one of the exceptions to the
    37        hearsay rule.  You can certainly be alert in the future --
    38        if you feel you have not in the past -- to taking that
    39        objection.
    41        The fact that objection has not been taken, whether through
    42        lack of knowledge yourself or because you are prepared to
    43        let it come out, does not mean to say I can allow it in
    44        respect of other witnesses.  You cannot make a concession
    45        that you do not mind that kind of evidence being given and
    46        then say:  "Therefore, I am entitled to give it myself".
    47        That does not follow at all.  If a challenge is taken
    48        either by you or Mr. Rampton, I will rule upon it according
    49        to law.
    51   MS. STEEL:  I am not trying to say that what Mr. McIntyre says 
    52        about what Mr. Taylor says about what was going on in Royal 
    53        Avenue is evidence of what was going on, but it is relevant
    54        to the general feeling of the residents and how they
    55        reacted to one and another and things like that.
    57   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I have not stopped the question about whether
    58        environment/index.html">litter was raised at meetings.  That is certainly evidence
    59        of the fact that there were things said about environment/index.html">litter.  It
    60        may well -- I may have to hear argument in due course -- be

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