Day 053 - 22 Nov 94 - Page 05

     1        in any event the leaflet states "link" and the pleadings
     2        stated "link" and, therefore, we should only have to prove
     3        what was stated, and that is "link".
     5        In relation to that, I mean, I would say that where the
     6        word "cause" has been used by our witnesses or where we may
     7        have asked the Plaintiffs' witnesses about "cause", that
     8        does not mean that we recognised that "cause" was the
     9        issue.  As I say, if we prove "cause", then it means that
    10        link is proved.  So, it goes to proving what is in the
    11        pleadings now.
    13        In order to further explain what was meant by "link",
    14        "association" and "relationship" in our pleadings, as you
    15        asked us to do yesterday, I would just explain that the
    16        reason the word "link" was used in our pleadings was
    17        because the word was used in the fact sheet which is the
    18        subject of the action, and it was also used in the
    19        Statement of Claim.
    21        In relation to the fact sheet, obviously, we did not write
    22        it, so it is difficult for us to know exactly what the
    23        person who wrote it intended.
    25   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  In a sense, assuming that you did not
    26        write it, that might put you in a better position to argue
    27        what it would mean to the ordinary man or woman in the
    28        street, because -- and no doubt I will be corrected in due
    29        course -- my understanding is that it does not matter, so
    30        far as deciding what the meaning of the words is, what the
    31        person who wrote them thought they meant or intended them
    32        to mean; it is the picture they paint to the ordinary
    33        reader.  So, in a sense, not having written them, as you
    34        say, you are not contaminated with what it was intended to
    35        say.  You might be able to look at them and say, "What does
    36        it actually mean", bearing in mind not just the extracts
    37        you have read but, in case I decide it is relevant, the
    38        headlines and the cartoon, for instance.
    40   MS. STEEL:   Yes.  I am going to go come on to that later on.
    41        What we would submit is that it is very likely that the
    42        person or persons who wrote the leaflet used the word
    43         "link" because that was the word used in reports by
    44        scientific bodies, in Health Authority booklets, and things
    45        like that, on the state of knowledge in relation to diet
    46        and disease.
    48        If that is the case, then we feel it would be manifestly
    49        unfair to require us to prove something stronger than
    50        that.  We feel that, looked at in context of the leaflet, 
    51        it is clear that the leaflet is saying that McDonald's are 
    52        trying to make out that their food is healthy, i.e. a 
    53        useful and nutritious part of any diet, when the evidence
    54        points to the opposite; and that is the evidence of a link.
    56        The word "association" in the pleadings was taken from
    57        scientific journals and, hence, represents the view of at
    58        least some (and, we would contend, the majority) of those
    59        in the scientific community.

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