Day 036 - 13 Oct 94 - Page 02

     1                                 Thursday, 13th October, 1994
     3   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, before Dr. Barnard resumes, can I hand
     4        up what I understand your Lordship was unable to find
     5        which is, first of all, as many of Professor Crawford's
     6        references as we have been given.  I will leave your
     7        Lordship to deal with that first.
     9   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I am putting it right at the back of tab 9
    10        behind the matters which were enclosures.
    12   MR. RAMPTON:  That is what I did too.  My Lord, then there is a
    13        complete copy of that little red leaflet produced by the
    14        United States National Cancer Institute to which some
    15        reference was made yesterday.  Then finally, my Lord,
    16        there is a -----
    18   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Where should that go?
    20   MR. RAMPTON:  That I think was -----
    22   MS. STEEL:  It is No. 6.
    24   MR. MORRIS:  On the Miscellaneous Supplementary List.
    26   MR. RAMPTON:  Yes.  On the third list of references for
    27        Dr. Barnard, so it should go at the back of his statement
    28        probably because the main bundle of his references is
    29        already too fat.
    31   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  It happens almost daily, but what is my
    32        volume 1A is now too big for the ring binders -- will be
    33        when I put that in.  If, as I have done, I have the yellow
    34        glossy Diet and Cancer just touching that.  But what I
    35        think is, I will with Mr. Styles just organise that.
    37   MR. RAMPTON:  Finally, a paper to which I shall make reference
    38        later today, No. 24 of Dr. Barnard's references, the Paulo
    39        Toniolo paper in 1989.  I apologise that I had the only
    40        copy provided by the Defendants and it has some
    41        underlinings on it.  But I have obliterated the marginal
    42        comments.  I am going to attend to those passages so the
    43        markings will become otiose.  My Lord, those are all the
    44        preliminary matters.
    46   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Thank you.
    48                        DR. NEAL BARNARD, Recalled
    50                  Cross-Examined by Mr. Rampton, Continued 
    52   MR. RAMPTON:  Dr. Barnard, yesterday we were pursuing what had 
    53        intended to be a chronological journey through some public
    54        statements about the links between diet and cancer.  We
    55        had done 1988, 1989, and then we went to 1991 with the
    56        National Cancer Institute and also 1992.  I want now, if
    57        I may, to go back to 1990.  This time on a worldwide
    58        basis, the World Health Organisation's study group report
    59        published in Geneva in 1990.  You will find that in the
    60        orange bundle of references for Dr. Arnott and Professor

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