

World anti-McDonald's day '95 - 7,000 leaflets were handed out by activists wearing "McGarbage" T-shirts outside the two main stores in the city centre on the 16th. Local radio stations broadcast details of the demonstration throughout the day.


There were pickets of McDonald's stores in Dublin, Belfast and other towns. Since March 1994 the Alliance For Animal Rights (AFAR) in Galway have been harassed by the police and threatened with arrest for displaying placards and distributing information outside their local McDonald's. The manager of McDonald's has taken photographs of protesters. Violent threats and threats of libel action have been made to protesters who believe that they have had quite an effect on McDonald's trade in Galway. According to AFAR, Galway McDonald's is the only branch in Europe which is losing money. Victory!


A 7 month strike led to recognition of the ITGWU union. Anne Casey and Sean Mrozek, former McDonald's workers and union activists from the 1979 strike at two stores in Dublin testified at the McLibel Trial. They told how there was discontent over low pay and poor conditions. And after the bitter strike ended with a labour court ruling that McDonald's should recognise the union, the main union activists were nevertheless sacked or otherwise victimised for union activity. In 1985, two union activists won a victory at a labour court after claiming victimisation and unfair dismissal.

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