Installation notes for iPhoto Plus 1.2 and iPhoto Plus 4! This iPhoto Plus CD is compatible with both Windows 3.1, Windows NT and Windows 95. It contains two different programs depending on the MS Windows version on your PC. For Windows 95 and NT users, iPhoto Plus 4 is an advanced program designed to take full advantage of the 32-bit operating system. For Windows 3.1, iPhoto Plus 1.2 offers advanced imaging tools for the 16-bit environment. ************ If you have trouble installing the programs on this CD ************ In Windows 95 and Windows NT versions using the Windows 95 style shell, the installation program should start automatically, providing you with clear instructions and information on how to complete the process. For other versions of Windows NT and Windows 3.1, you need to start the installation program from the Program Manager or the File Manager. If you have trouble while installing iPhoto Plus 4, please follow the steps listed as below to install the program. 1. Insert the iPhoto Plus CD into your CD-ROM drive. 2. Type D:\Setup32.exe to execute the iPhoto Plus 4 installer, "D" being the drive letter of your CD-ROM and click OK. 3. Follow the instructions to complete the installation. +++++++++++++++++ Taking advantage of iPhoto Plus 4 free fonts +++++++++++++++++ iPhoto Plus 4 comes with 20 fantastic and unique fonts that give you new freedom to express yourself. However, before you can start using these fonts, you must restart your computer after you complete installing iPhoto Plus 4. The new fonts will automatically be added to the other fonts already on your system. ************ If you are using Microsoft Windows 3.1 ************ The Windows 3.1 version of this program is iPhoto Plus 1.2. Here is how to start it. 1. Start Windows and place the iPhoto Plus CD in your CD ROM drive. 2. From the Program Manager File menu, click "Run". 3. In the Run Command Line entry box, type D:\setup16.exe, where "D" is the drive letter for your CD ROM and click OK. 4. The dialog box closes and the installation program begins, giving you complete instructions on how to continue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anmerkungen zur Installation von iPhoto Plus 1.2 und iPhoto Plus 4! Diese iPhoto Plus CD ist kompatibel mit Windows 3.1, Windows NT und Windows 95. Sie enthält zwei verschiedene Programme: iPhoto Plus 4 ist für Windows 95 und Windows NT vorgesehen. Es nutzt die 32-Bit in diesen Betriebssystemen voll aus. Für die 16-Bit-Umgebung von Windows 3.1 ist das Programm iPhoto Plus 1.2 gedacht. ************ Falls es bei der Installation von dieser CD Probleme gibt ************ Unter Windows 95 und Windows NT mit einer Windows 95-artigen Oberfläche startet das Installationsprogramm automatisch und führt Sie durch die Installation. Unter anderen Versionen von Windows NT und unter Windows 3.1 wird das Installationsprogramm vom Programm- oder Dateimanager aus gestartet. Gehen Sie bei der Installation von iPhoto Plus 4 (Windows 95 und NT) bitte wie folgt vor: 1. Legen Sie die iPhoto Plus CD in das CD-ROM Laufwerk ein. 2. Geben Sie D:\Setup32.exe ein, und das iPhoto Plus 4 Installationsprogramm startet. ("D" ist die Laufwerksbezeichnung für das CD-ROM.) Klicken Sie auf "OK". 3. Folgen Sie der Anleitung des Installationsprogramms. +++++++++++++++++ iPhoto Plus 4 Schriftarten +++++++++++++++++ iPhoto Plus 4 enthält 20 einmalige Schriftarten für Ihre Kreativität. Um diese zu benutzen, müssen Sie den Computer nach der Installation neu starten. Dann werden die neuen Schriftarten automatisch den bereits bestehenden hinzugefügt. ************ Falls Sie Microsoft Windows 3.1 benutzen ************ Unter Windows 3.1 arbeiten Sie mit dem Programm iPhoto Plus 1.2. So intallieren Sie es: 1. Starten Sie Windows und legen Sie die iPhoto Plus CD in das CD-ROM-Laufwerk ein. 2. Klicken Sie im Menü "Programmanager" auf "Ausführen". 3. Geben Sie in das Eingabefeld "Ausführen" die Zeichenfolge "D:\setup16.exe" ein. "D" steht für die Laufwerksbezeichnung des CD-ROMs und klicken Sie auf "OK". 4. Das Dialogfeld schließt sich, und das Installationsprogramm startet. Es führt Sie mit Anleitungen durch den Installationsvorgang. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ce document contient des informations toutes récentes qui n'apparaissent pas dans l'aide en ligne. Ces informations ne sont malheureusement disponibles qu'en anglais en ce moment. Installation notes for iPhoto Plus 1.2 and iPhoto Plus 4! This iPhoto Plus CD is compatible with both Windows 3.1, Windows NT and Windows 95. It contains two different programs depending on the MS Windows version on your PC. For Windows 95 and NT users, iPhoto Plus 4 is an advanced program designed to take full advantage of the 32-bit operating system. For Windows 3.1, iPhoto Plus 1.2 offers advanced imaging tools for the 16-bit environment. ************ If you have trouble installing the programs on this CD ************ In Windows 95 and Windows NT versions using the Windows 95 style shell, the installation program should start automatically, providing you with clear instructions and information on how to complete the process. For other versions of Windows NT and Windows 3.1, you need to start the installation program from the Program Manager or the File Manager. If you have trouble while installing iPhoto Plus 4, please follow the steps listed as below to install the program. 1. Insert the iPhoto Plus CD into your CD-ROM drive. 2. Type D:\Setup32.exe to execute the iPhoto Plus 4 installer, "D" being the drive letter of your CD-ROM and click OK. 3. Follow the instructions to complete the installation. +++++++++++++++++ Taking advantage of iPhoto Plus 4 free fonts +++++++++++++++++ iPhoto Plus 4 comes with 20 fantastic and unique fonts that give you new freedom to express yourself. However, before you can start using these fonts, you must restart your computer after you complete installing iPhoto Plus 4. The new fonts will automatically be added to the other fonts already on your system. ************ If you are using Microsoft Windows 3.1 ************ The Windows 3.1 version of this program is iPhoto Plus 1.2. Here is how to start it. 1. Start Windows and place the iPhoto Plus CD in your CD ROM drive. 2. From the Program Manager File menu, click "Run". 3. In the Run Command Line entry box, type D:\setup16.exe, where "D" is the drive letter for your CD ROM and click OK. 4. The dialog box closes and the installation program begins, giving you complete instructions on how to continue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ­Notas sobre la instalación de iPhoto Plus 1.2 y iPhoto Plus 4! Este iPhoto Plus CD es compatible con Windows 3.1, Windows NT y Windows 95. Contiene dos programas dependiendo de la versión de MS Windows en su PC. Para Windows 95 y usuarios de Windows NT, iPhoto Plus 4 es un programa avanzado diseñado para tomar ventaja del sistema operativo de 32 bits. Para Windows 3.1, iPhoto Plus 1.2 ofrece herramientas avanzadas de manipulación de im genes para el medio de 16 bits. ************ Si tiene problemas instalando el programa que viene en este CD ************ En las versiones de Windows 95 y Windows NT usando el estilo de superficie de Windows 95, el programa de instalación debería iniciar automáticamente, ofreciendole instrucciones claras e informaciones de como completar el proceso. Para otras versiones de Windows NT y Windows 3.1, necesitar  iniciar el programa de instalación desde el Administrador de programas en el Administrador de archivos. Si tiene problemas durante la instalación de iPhoto Plus 4, por favor siga los pasos listados a continuación para instalar el programa. 1. Inserte el CD de iPhoto Plus 4 en su unidad para CD ROM. 2. Escriba D:\Setup32.exe para ejecutar el programa de instalación de iPhoto Plus 4, »D« es la unidad de su CD-ROM, haga clic en OK. 3. Siga las instrucciones para completar la instalación. +++++++++++++++++ Tomando ventaja de las fuentes gratis de iPhoto Plus 4 +++++++++++++++++ iPhoto Plus 4 viene con 20 fuentes exclusivas que le ofrecen gran libertad de expresión. Sin embargo, antes de poder usar estas fuentes, ha de reiniciar su ordenador despues de instalar el programa iPhoto Plus 4. las nuevas fuentes serán autom ticamente añadidas a la lista de fuentes ya instaladas en su sistema. ************ Si est usando Microsoft Windows 3.1 ************ La versi¢n para Windows 3.1 de este programa se llama iPhoto Plus 1.2. Puede instalarlo de la siguiente manera: 1. Inicie Windows y coloque el CD de iPhoto Plus 4 en su unidad CD ROM. 2. Desde el menú Archivo del administrador de archivos haga clic en »Correr«. 3. En el cuadro de entrada de datos de la línea de comando, escriba D:\setup16.exe, donde »D« es la letra de la unidad de su CD ROM y haga clic en OK. 4. El cuadro de di logo se cierra y el programa de instalación comienza, con instrucciones completas de como proceder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Appunti sull'installazione di iPhoto Plus 1.2 e iPhoto Plus 4! Questo CD di iPhoto Plus 4 é compatibile con Windows 3.1, Windows NT e Windows 95. Esso contiene due diversi programmi, che potete utilizzare a seconda della versione di MS Windows installata nel vostro PC. Per gli utenti di Windows 95 ed NT, iPhoto Plus 4 é un programma progettato per sfruttare appieno il sistema operativo a 32-bit. Se utilizzate invece Windows 3.1, iPhoto Plus 1.2 vi offre avanzati strumenti per l'elaborazione delle immagini in un ambiente a 16-bit. ************ Se avete problemi con l'installazione dei programmi su questo CD ************ Con le versioni di Windows 95 e Windows NT che utilizzano una shell del tipo di Windows 95, il programma di installazione dovrebbe avviarsi automaticamente, fornendovi istruzioni ed informazioni chiare su come completare il processo. Per altre versioni di Windows NT e Windows 3.1, é necessario avviare il programma di installazione da Program Manager o File Manager. Se avete problemi durante l'installazione di iPhoto Plus 4, siete pregati di seguire le indicazioni qui elencate per l'installazione. 1. Inserite il CD di iPhoto Plus 4 nella vostra unità CD-ROM. 2. Immettete D:\Setup32.exe per eseguire il programma di installazione di iPhoto Plus 4, dove "D" é la lettera dell'unità CD-ROM, e fate clic su OK. 3. Seguite le istruzioni a video per completare l'installazione. +++++++++++++++++ Utilizzo dei caratteri forniti con iPhoto Plus 4 +++++++++++++++++ iPhoto Plus 4 é provvisto di 20 bellissimi set di caratteri che vi danno una maggiore libertà di espressione. Tuttavia, prima che possiate utilizzare i caratteri, é necessario che avviate nuovamente il vostro computer dopo aver installato iPhoto Plus 4. I nuovi caratteri verranno aggiunti automaticamente agli altri set di caratteri del sistema. ************ Se state utilizzando Microsoft Windows 3.1 ************ La versione per Windows 3.1 di questo programma si chiama iPhoto Plus 1.2. Ecco come avviarlo. 1. Avviate Windows e ponete il CD di iPhoto Plus 4 nell'unità CD ROM. 2. Nel menu File di Program Manager, fate clic su "Esegui". 3. Nella casella di immissione del comando, immettete D:\setup16.exe, dove "D" é la lettera dell'unità CD ROM, e fate clic su OK. 4. La finestra di dialogo si chiuderà e il programma di installazione verrà avviato, dandovi istruzioni dettagliate su come procedere.