
Syntax reference for title formatting for version 0.7


%fieldname% inserts metadata field named <fieldname> %artist%
%__fieldname% inserts tech info field named <fieldname> %__bitrate%
%_path% inserts full file name with path
%_path_raw% inserts full file name including path and protocol
%_filename% inserts file name without extension
%_filename_ext% inserts file name with extension
%_directoryname% inserts the directory name
%_subsong% inserts subsong index
%_foobar2000_version% inserts foobar2000's version string
%_length% inserts length of track in formatted form
%_length_seconds% inserts length in seconds

Special fields (playlist)

%_isplaying% Returns '1' if file is currently playing and empty string otherwise.
%_ispaused% Returns '1' if playback is paused, empty string otherwise.
%_playlist_number% Returns playlist index of specified item.
%_playlist_total% Returns number of files in playlist.
%_playlist_name% Returns name of playlist containing specified item.

Special fields (status bar, window title and copy command)

%_time_elapsed% returns elapsed time
%_time_remaining% returns remaining time until track ends
%_time_total% returns total length of track
%_time_elapsed_seconds% returns elapsed time in seconds
%_time_remaining_seconds% returns remaining time in seconds
%_time_total_seconds% returns total track length in seconds
%_ispaused% returns '1' if playback is paused and empty string otherwise

Colors (playlist and status bar only)

XXXXXX set text color to XXXXXX, where XXXXXX is new text color in hex; will invert the color on selected fields
XXXXXX|YYYYYY set text color to XXXXXX on non-selected fields and to YYYYYY on selected fields
 reset to default color

Right-aligned text (playlist and status bar only)


$abbr(x) Creates abbreviation of x. "$abbr(%album%)" - will convert album name of "Final Fantasy VI" to "FFVI"
$abbr(x,y) Creates abbreviation of x if x is longer than y characters; otherwise inserts full value of x. $abbr(%album%,10)
$add(x,y...) Adds multiple integral numbers (x+y+...). Accepts any amount of parameters. $add(%TRACKNUMBER%,$mul(%DISC%,100))
$and(x,y...) Performs logical AND operation on parameters. For use with $if()-type functions and other logical operators.
$ansi(x) Converts x to system codepage and back. Any characters that aren't present in the system codepage will be removed / replaced. Useful for mass-renaming files to ensure compatibility with non-unicode-capable software.
$blend(a,b,c,d) Generates a color in c/d between colors a and b. $blend($rgb(0,0,0),$rgb(255,255,255),%_time_elapsed%,%_time_total%)
$caps(x) Converts first letter in every word of x to uppercase, and all other letters to lowercase. "$caps(blah BLAH)" -> "Blah Blah"
$caps2(x) Similar to $caps, but leaves uppercase letters as they are. "$caps2(blah BLAH)" -> "Blah BLAH"
$char(x) Inserts Unicode character no. x. "$char(3)" produces the character controlling color codes in playlist
$crlf() Inserts end-of-line (carrier return / linefeed) code. Useful for multiline scripts (e.g. system tray tooltip). $crlf()
$cut(a,b) Returns b first left characters from a. $cut(%title%,5)
$directory(x), $directory(x,n) Extracts directory name from file path x, optionally goes up by n directory levels. $directory(%_path%,2)
$div(x,y) Divides integral number x by integral number y. $div(%TRACKNUMBER%,100)
$ext(x) Extracts extension from file path / file name $ext(%_path%)
$filename(x) Extracts file name from full path. $filename(%_path%)
$fix_eol(x) Scans x for end-of-line marker (CR/LF), if found - truncates and appends " (...)".
$fix_eol(x,y) Scans x for end-of-line marker (CR/LF), if found - truncates and appends y.
$greater(x,y) Compares two integral numbers, tests if x>y. For use with $if()-type functions and other logical operators. $if($greater(%TRACKNUMBER%,100),$div(%TRACKNUMBER%,100),%DISC%)
$hex(x) Converts integral number x from decimal to hexdecimal notation. $hex(%_playlist_number%)
$hex(x,y) Converts integral number x from decimal to hexdecimal notation, pads with zeros to y digits. $hex(%_playlist_number%,3)
$if(a,b,c) If a contains at least one valid tag, executes/displays b, otherwise executes/returns c. "$if(%artist%,%artist%,unknown artist)" will return artist name if present; otherwise will return "unknown artist"; note that "$if(a,a,)" is equivalent to "[a]" (see below)
$if2(a,b) Same as $if(a,a,b). $if2(%title%,%_filename%)
$if3(a,b,c,..) Returns first of items being true/non-empty.
$ifgreater(a,b,c,d) If number a is greater than number b, return/execute c, otherwise return/execute d.
$iflonger(a,b,c,d) If string a is longer than b characters, return/execute c, otherwise return/execute d.
$info(x) Returns tech info field named x. Doesn't truncate end-of-line markers (%__field% does). "$info(bitrate)" is same as "%__bitrate%"
$insert(a,b,n) Inserts string b into string a after n characters.
$left(a,b) Returns b first left characters from a. $left(%title%,5)
$len(x) Returns length of string x in characters.
$len2(x) Returns length of string x in characters, respecting double-width character rules (double-width characters will be counted as two).
$longer(x,y) Compares two strings, tests if x is longer than y. For use with $if()-type functions and other logical operators.
$lower(x) Converts x to lowercase. $lower(%title%)
$longest(a,b,c,....) Compares parameters: a,b,c... and returns the longest one. $longest(%title%,%comment%)
$mod(x,y) Calculates remainder of x divided by y. $mod($rand(),10)
$mul(x,y...) Multiplies integral numbers (x*y*...). Accepts any amount of parameters. $add(%TRACKNUMBER%,$mul(%DISC%,100))
$muldiv(x,y,z) Multiplies integral numbers x by y, then divides by integral number z.
$min(x,y...) Performs integral number comparison and returns smallest of x, y... . Accepts any amount of parameters.
$max(x,y...) Performs integral number comparison and returns largest of x, y... . Accepts any amount of parameters.
$meta(x) Inserts value of metadata field named x. Doesn't truncate end-of-line markers (%field% does). "$meta(artist)" is same as "%artist%"
$meta(x,y) Returns y-th value for metadata field named x, used for multiple values per one field name. Doesn't truncate end-of-line markers (%field% does). "multiple artists - $meta(artist,1), $meta(artist,2)"
$meta_sep(x,y), $meta_sep(x,y,z) Returns metadata field named x, with custom separators for multiple values. "$meta(artist,', ',' and ')" for three artists named A, B, C will produce this - "A, B and C"
$meta_num(x) Returns number of present values for metadata field x.
$num(x,y) Returns x as decimal number and pads with zeros up to y characters (useful for track numbers). $num(%tracknumber%,2)
$not(x) Performs logical NOT operation on parameter. For use with $if()-type functions and other logical operators.
$or(x,y...) Performs logical OR operation on parameters. For use with $if()-type functions and other logical operators.
$pad(x,y), $pad_right(x,y) Pads x with spaces up to y characters.
$pad(x,y,z), $pad_right(x,y,z) Pads x with z character up to y characters.
$padcut(x,y), $padcut_right(x,y) Pads x to y characters or truncates to y if longer.
$progress(a,b,c,d,e), $progress2(a,b,c,d,e) Creates progress bar: a contains position, b contains range, c progress bar length in characters, d and e are characters to build progress bar with. $progress2() produces different appearance. "$progress(%_time_elapsed_seconds%, %_time_total_seconds%, 20,'#','=')" produces "====#===============", the # character is moving with playback position
$rand() generates a random number in range from 0 to 232-1 $mod($rand(),10)
$repeat(x,y) Repeats x y times.
$replace(a,b,c) Replaces all occurrences of string b in string a with string c. Additionally, you can specify more parameters, $replace(a,b1,c1,b2,c2,b3,c3....), and all bX will re replaced with corresponding cX.
$right(a,b) Returns b first right characters from a. $right(%title%,5)
$roman(x) Converts number x from decimal to roman notation. $roman(%tracknumber%)
$rgb(a,b,c), $rgb(a,b,c,d,e,f) Converts decimal color values to color codes (see colors above).
$shortest(a,b,c,....) Compares parameters: a,b,c... and returns the shortest one. $shortest(%title%,%comment%)
$strchr(x,y) Finds first occurrence of character y in string x.
$strrchr(x,y) Finds last occurrence of character y in string x.
$strstr(x,y) Finds first occurrence of string y in string x.
$sub(x,y) Subtracts integral number y from integral number x.
$strcmp(x,y) Compares two strings, case-sensitive. For use with $if()-type functions and other logical operators.
$stricmp(x,y) Compares two strings, non-case-sensitive. For use with $if()-type functions and other logical operators.
$substr(a,b,c) Returns substring of string a, starting from b-th character and ending at c-th character. $substr('blah',1,2) returns 'bl'
$select(n,a,b,c,....) Returns n-th of a,b,c... parameters.
$trim(a) Removes leading/trailing spaces from a. $trim(%comment%)
$tab(), $tab(n) Generates one ($tab()) or n ($tab(n)) tab characters, useful for separating colums in playlist. $tab()
$transition(a,b,c) Generates color codes between characters in string a, interpolating colors from b to c. $transition(%TITLE%,$rgb(0,0,0),$rgb(255,255,255))
$upper(x) Converts x to uppercase. $upper(%title%)
$xor(x,y) Performs logical XOR operation on parameters. For use with $if()-type functions and other logical operators.

Variable operations

$put(name,text) Sets variable named <name> to <text> and returns <text>. "$put(x,blah)" sets variable x to 'blah' and returns 'blah'
$puts(name,text) Same as $put(name,text), but returns empty string.
$get(name) Returns value of variable <name>. "$puts(x,blah)$get(x)$get(x)" will return 'blahblah'


[ .... ] displays contents of brackets only if at least one of fields referenced inside has been found "%artist% - [%album% / ]%title%" will hide [] block if album field is not present; note that mixing brackets with $functions may give unpredictable results and should be avoided (use $if() instead)
' (single quotation mark) outputs raw text without parsing 'blah$blah%blah[][]' will output the contained string and ignore all reserved characters (%,$,[,]) in it; you can use this feature to insert square brackets for an example
// comments, can be placed only at the beginning of new line, they prevent any characters following them until the end of line from being parsed
end-of-line characters ignored; use $char() to force weird character sequences if you need them; you can safely split your string into multiple lines without affecting its output