Extended Playlist Generator



Configure playlist query



What is an extended playlist generator

The extended playlist generator is a component used to create, update and manage playlists based on Database queries. It enables users to generate or update playlists based on a certain set of filters that can be executed or stored as presets and then called upon on a regular basis.

The Interface

Configure playlist query

The "Configure playlist query" window is used for creating the set of rules that are used to generate the playlist(s) you want. It can either be used to generate a single playlist directly, or to store various presets that can later be used by the "Generate playlists" window.

Most of the fields in this window should be rather self explanatory and I will go into more details on how to create specific queries further down. In case you need some help on how to create sort and display strings, please refer to the "Foobar2000 Titleformatting help" in your main foobar2000 directory.

Generate playlists

The "Generate playlists dialog" is used to generate preconfigured playlists from the added presets. Simply select as many playlists from the menu as you would like to create and click the generate button. All playlists that are selected will be either created or updated, depending on wether the "overwrite" checkbox was enabled or disabled in the presets.

Configure Playlist Query

Query syntax

A new simplified syntax is used to create queries in the playlist generator it is mainly based upon a few logical operators used for querying various metadata fields:

Simple query

Advanced Query

Using logical operators



Just a few practical examples on different playlist queries

Ok that should give a basic idea of what is possible. Of course a lot more can be done then just those few basic examples. Just let your imagination play a bit to create what ever filters you like.


"I don't get any results when searching the database!"

Go to Preferences/Database and make sure that Database enabled is checked.

"The help command does not work!"

The HTML file has to be in the same directory as the plugin.


Plugin written by tboehrer

Many thanks to Peter Pawlowski and the Foobar2000 crew for providing the basic code and ideas for this component.

Documentation written by picmixer.