Database search


Menu commands

Search dialog



Menu commands

Showing the search dialog

Choose Components/Database search from the main menu to show the search dialog.

Searching for same artist (or other field)

To search the database for songs with the same artist as a given song, select that song (either in playlist, albumlist, or any other place that allows the use of standard foobar2000 context menu commands) and choose Database search/Search for same artist from the context menu. This command only shows up, if you have a format preset called "artist" (chararcter case is ignored, so it may be called "Artist" as well).

There are similar commands for searching for same album, title, date, and venue. There is also the Database search/Search for same... command which lets you choose an arbitrary format preset.

Showing the help file

To show the help file, run the Components/Help/Database search command from the main menu. This command is disabled by default.

Search dialog

Builtin keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts that are available in the search, format, pattern, and filter mode fields only:

Keyboard shortcuts that are available in the resultlist only:

Keyboard shortcuts that are available in the whole dialog:

The pass filter mode

This filter always returns true, so all items pass the test.

The info missing filter mode

This filter tests whether information about an item is available in the database. If no information is available, the item passes the test.

The boolean filter mode

This filter uses the format given in the pattern field and applies it to any item that is tested. If the resulting strings is non-empty, the item passes the test.


The match exact filter mode

This filter applies the format given in the format field to any item that is tested. If the content of the pattern field is identical to the resulting string (ignoring character case), the item passes the test. If the pattern field is empty, no item passes the test.


The match prefix filter mode

This filter applies the format given in the format field to any item that is tested. If the content of the pattern field is a prefix of the resulting string (ignoring character case), the item passes the test. If the pattern field is empty, no item passes the test.


The match all and match one filter modes

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"I don't get any results when searching the database!"

Go to Preferences/Database and make sure that Database enabled is checked.

"The help command does not work!"

The HTML file has to be in the same directory as the plugin.

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