Introduction size Fonts Design tips The drawTextDirect property How to read this book sectionNumber startSection How to read this book ljsldkfjlaksdjflkjasdsdjflkjasd IntroductionU The pages in this book function as shown to the right. Instructions in a green shadowed box tell you what to do next. The buttons at the bottom of the page help you navigate. When the cursor turns to further explaination is available with a single click. When the cursor turns to some action is avaible with a single click.s avaible with a single click.e action is avaible with a single click...... Click the right arrow to begin the next the next chapter.ext chapter.... Illustrations and demonstrations Explanation Buttons to turn pages and return to the table of contents Button Table of Contents Table of Contents Instructions Example: Window Controller link "Controller" fillapps enabled FALSE ActivateInstance terpage leavepage enterpage ActivateInstance enterpage Controller o?ifillapps Controller enabled leavepage enabled ActivateInstance o?ifillapps Controller sectionNumber startSection Example: Window controller Dynamic link librariesn At right is an example of how the Windows system DLLs can be used to control the size and position of other application windows. Click the Maximize button and see what happens. Click Restore to restore the window to its normal size. Click Minimize to iconize the window. Drag the handle on the outline box and see what happens. Click the Maximize button and see what happens. Click Restore to restore the window to its normal size. Click Minimize to iconize the window. Drag the handle on the outline box and see what happens. Choose Exit from the File menu to exit the About Application Integration book........ controller position 175,127 243,3806 Position:::::::: Size:ion:::::::: Window Title: title WinMem- 9/20SDK MinimizeIt buttonUp buttonUp MinimizeIt Minimize MaximizeIt buttonUp buttonUp MaximizeIt Maximize RestoreIt buttonUp buttonUp RestoreIt Restore Screen Applications: AppList ChooseApp oselectedtextlines buttonUp buttonUp ChooseApp WinMem Program Manager File Manager Dr. Watson Microsoft Mail - Monitor window windowbox item 1 of my objects resizebox item 2 of my objects Window resize to pa Purpose of this book sectionNumber startSection Purpose of this book Introductionwing and speeded This book describes the keys to application integration with ToolBook: OpenScript's Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) and dynamic link library (DLL) support. Examples of both are given... given.roughout.t.on.ntegration.ok gives examples of both aspects of application integration...of application integration.n integration..cts of application integration. fields more quickly. Since the response of a book Click the right arrow. Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) Dynamic link libraries (DLLs) Click the right arrow to continue.t the next chapter.ext chapter.... Title E v a l u a t i o n E d i t i o n E v a l u a t i o n E d i t i o n Table of Contents --This Draw Objects asure 'other running toolbook M"ttdde.ebk" "ok" strRunToolBookButton() --note how commands are concatonated together takes slightly longer working, but once does, finishes faster than issuing separate ,;" & \ ;" & \ ;" & \ 60,50,100;" & \ 315,190 840,715;" & \ 510,325 525,355;" & \ 630,325 645,355;" & \ ~Arc 405, 505 405, 640 570, 640;" & \ 780, 475;" & \ face; drawDirect FALSE;" & \ 0,100,0;" & \ -15,490 8675,785;" & \ buttonup buttonup this book ttdde.ebk strRunToolBookButton set syslevel to author; set sysSuspend to false; select all;send clear to system;set syslevel to reader; set sysFillColor to 60,50,100; draw ellipse from 315,190 to 840,715; draw rectangle from 510,325 to 525,355; draw rectangle from 630,325 to 645,355; draw Arc from 405, 505 to 405, 640 to 570, 640; set items 3 to 4 of vertices of selection to 780, 475; select all;send group;set name of selection to face;set drawDirect of selection to FALSE; set sysFillColor to 0,100,0; draw field from -15,490 to 8675,785; set name of selection to f;set drawDirect of selection to FALSE; set layer of selection to 1 ttdde.ebk toolbook How to read this book --This Run ToolBook 4RunEntireDemo --quit runtime version strNoRuntime() other instances toolbook M"ttdde.ebk" "OK" DDE" xTRUE strAlreadyRunning() x"85,10" 85,10 --force a 8, despite their startUpBook DoesFileExist("TTDDE.EBK") .exe FALSE DEFAULT bar, setRemote " "85,345,561,425" "100,345" sysChangesDb" --bring us bringWindowToTop( buttonup buttonup strNoRuntime caption of this book ttdde.ebk ToolBook to ToolBook DDE strAlreadyRunning 85,10 TTDDE.EBK DoesFileExist toolbook.exe ttdde.ebk bounds of mainWindow 85,345,561,425 ttdde.ebk hide scrollbar;hide menubar;hide statusBox ttdde.ebk position of toolpalette 100,345 ttdde.ebk sysSuspend false ttdde.ebk sysChangesDb false ttdde.ebk bringWindowToTop DEFAULT toolbook RunEntireDemo --This Bounce asure *other running face" toolbook M"ttdde.ebk" "ok" c"Denied" strDrawObjectsButton() strRunToolBookButton() default was made recorder, Fmodified , these commands are concatenated performance ;" & \ "Set 225, 1170-800, 750, 1530-800;" & \ 225, 1335-800, 750, 1530-800;" & \ 225, 1455-800, 750, 1530-800;" & \ 225, 1065-800, 750, 1530-800;" & \ 225, 825-800, 750, 1530-800;" & \ "Move 585, -15-800;" & \ 585, -15-800, 1110, 285-800;" & \ 585, -15-800, 1110, 570-800;" & \ 645, 405-800;" & \ 720, 945-800;" & \ 720, 1155-800, 1245, 1530-800;" & \ 720, 990-800, 1245, 1530-800;" & \ 990, 405-800;" & \ 990, 405-800, 1515, 900-800;" & \ 1095, 45-800;" & \ 1140, 645-800;" & \ 1200, 1035-800;" & \ 1350, 450-800;" & \ 1470, 150-800;" & \ 1500, 450-800;" & \ 1545, 885-800;" & \ 1560, 1035-800;" & \ 1785, 405-800;" & \ 1905, 210-800;" & \ 1980, 465-800;" & \ 2040, 870-800;" & \ 2085, 1035-800;" & \ 2280, 495-800;" & \ 2355, 345-800;" & \ 2385, 495-800;" & \ 2430, 915-800;" & \ 2445, 1035-800;" & \ 2550, 630-800;" & \ 2670, 405-800;" & \ 2715, 570-800;" & \ 2790, 990-800;" & \ 2820, 1035-800;" & \ 2955, 600-800;" & \ 3045, 435-800;" & \ 3120, 645-800;" & \ 3165, 975-800;" & \ 3180, 1035-800;" & \ 3315, 675-800;" & \ 3525, 465-800;" & \ 3585, 645-800;" & \ 3675, 960-800;" & \ 3690, 1035-800;" & \ 3990, 600-800;" & \ 4155, 510-800;" & \ 4350, 690-800;" & \ 4485, 1005-800;" & \ 4500, 1035-800;" & \ 4815, 615-800;" & \ 4935, 510-800;" & \ 5100, 780-800;" & \ 5160, 1035-800;" & \ 5280, 750-800;" & \ 5370, 570-800;" & \ 5460, 840-800;" & \ 5520, 1035-800;" & \ 5640, 795-800;" & \ 5655, 750-800;" & \ 5700, 885-800;" & \ 5745, 1035-800;" & \ 5835, 825-800;" & \ 5910, 750-800;" & \ 6015, 900-800;" & \ 6120, 1035-800;" & \ 6345, 870-800;" & \ 6510, 840-800;" & \ 6675, 960-800;" & \ 6750, 1035-800;" & \ 6915, 900-800;" & \ 7095, 975-800;" & \ 7335, 945-800;" & \ 7380, 945-800;" & \ 7575, 990-800;" & \ 7650, 1035-800;" & \ 7845, 960-800;" & \ 7950, 1005-800;" & \ 8070, 1035-800;" & \ 8100, 990-800;" & \ 8025, 945-800;" & \ 7935, 975-800;" & \ 7875, 1035-800;" & \ 7740, 975-800;" buttonup buttonup group face ttdde.ebk Denied strDrawObjectsButton strRunToolBookButton set sysSuspend to false; Set bounds of group face to 225, 1170-800, 750, 1530-800; Set bounds of group face to 225, 1335-800, 750, 1530-800; Set bounds of group face to 225, 1455-800, 750, 1530-800; Set bounds of group face to 225, 1065-800, 750, 1530-800; Set bounds of group face to 225, 825-800, 750, 1530-800; Move group face to 585, -15-800; Set bounds of group face to 585, -15-800, 1110, 285-800; Set bounds of group face to 585, -15-800, 1110, 570-800; Move group face to 645, 405-800; Move group face to 720, 945-800; Set bounds of group face to 720, 1155-800, 1245, 1530-800; Set bounds of group face to 720, 990-800, 1245, 1530-800; Move group face to 990, 405-800; Set bounds of group face to 990, 405-800, 1515, 900-800; Move group face to 1095, 45-800; Move group face to 1140, 645-800; Move group face to 1200, 1035-800; Move group face to 1350, 450-800; Move group face to 1470, 150-800; Move group face to 1500, 450-800; Move group face to 1545, 885-800; Move group face to 1560, 1035-800; Move group face to 1785, 405-800; Move group face to 1905, 210-800; Move group face to 1980, 465-800; Move group face to 2040, 870-800; Move group face to 2085, 1035-800; Move group face to 2280, 495-800; Move group face to 2355, 345-800; Move group face to 2385, 495-800; Move group face to 2430, 915-800; Move group face to 2445, 1035-800; Move group face to 2550, 630-800; Move group face to 2670, 405-800; Move group face to 2715, 570-800; Move group face to 2790, 990-800; Move group face to 2820, 1035-800; Move group face to 2955, 600-800; Move group face to 3045, 435-800; Move group face to 3120, 645-800; Move group face to 3165, 975-800; Move group face to 3180, 1035-800; Move group face to 3315, 675-800; Move group face to 3525, 465-800; Move group face to 3585, 645-800; Move group face to 3675, 960-800; Move group face to 3690, 1035-800; Move group face to 3990, 600-800; Move group face to 4155, 510-800; Move group face to 4350, 690-800; Move group face to 4485, 1005-800; Move group face to 4500, 1035-800; Move group face to 4815, 615-800; Move group face to 4935, 510-800; Move group face to 5100, 780-800; Move group face to 5160, 1035-800; Move group face to 5280, 750-800; Move group face to 5370, 570-800; Move group face to 5460, 840-800; Move group face to 5520, 1035-800; Move group face to 5640, 795-800; Move group face to 5655, 750-800; Move group face to 5700, 885-800; Move group face to 5745, 1035-800; Move group face to 5835, 825-800; Move group face to 5910, 750-800; Move group face to 6015, 900-800; Move group face to 6120, 1035-800; Move group face to 6345, 870-800; Move group face to 6510, 840-800; Move group face to 6675, 960-800; Move group face to 6750, 1035-800; Move group face to 6915, 900-800; Move group face to 7095, 975-800; Move group face to 7335, 945-800; Move group face to 7380, 945-800; Move group face to 7575, 990-800; Move group face to 7650, 1035-800; Move group face to 7845, 960-800; Move group face to 7950, 1005-800; Move group face to 8070, 1035-800; Move group face to 8100, 990-800; Move group face to 8025, 945-800; Move group face to 7935, 975-800; Move group face to 7875, 1035-800; Move group face to 7740, 975-800; ttdde.ebk default toolbook Example: ToolBook to ToolBook 4RunEntireDemo,s_NoUserDLL,hProgMan FALSE linkDLL "user" WORD SetActiveWindow( FindWindow(DWORD,STRING) INT ShowWindow( BringWindowToTop( c"Cannot load default strNoDLL(" endDemo ""ToolBook DDE""; toolbook unlinkDLL " terpage endDemo enterpage leavePage enterpage SetActiveWindow FindWindow ShowWindow BringWindowToTop Cannot load DLL strNoDLL default RunEntireDemo s_NoUserDLL hProgMan endDemo if caption of this book is "ToolBook to ToolBook DDE";send exit to system;end toolbook RunEntireDemo leavePage +endDemo s_NoUserDLL h v"*& sectionNumber startSection Example: ToolBookok to ToolBookk Dynamic Data Exchange With DDE, one instance of ToolBook can run and control another instance. Using "multiple instances" you can coordinate ToolBook applications and develop more sophisticated multi-window applications....s.ations..........ped. buttons in order to see DDE at work. Or click the Run Entire Demo button.ce. Its script was made from a script recording..... how to animate objects in another instance. Its script was made from a script recording.....stance. The Bounce button's script shows how to animate objects in another instance. Its script was made from a script recording...bjects in another instance. The Bounce button's script shows how to animate objects in another instance. Its script was made from a script recording.cript shows how to draw and modify objects in another instance. The Bounce button's script shows how to animate objects in another instance. Its script was made from a script recording. Click the buttons to see DDE at work. Or click the Run Entire Demo button. Click the captions to the right of the numbers for more information. Click the right arrow below to continue to the next page. Explain 4 buttonUp buttonUp This button's script shows how to animate objects in another instance. Its script was made from a script recording. (Click me to dismiss.)miss.)) B"Bounce" buttonUp buttonUp Bounce Explain 1 buttonUp buttonUp This button's script shows how to run other instances of ToolBook. It starts a new untitled book instead of the startup book and gets the window handle of the new instance. (Click me to dismiss.) B"Run ToolBook" buttonUp buttonUp Run ToolBook Explain 2 buttonUp buttonUp This button's script shows how to position windows and bring a window to the top. It uses the Microsoft Windows function bringWindowToTop(). (Click me to dismiss.) eshuffle" buttonup buttonup window shuffle Explain 3 buttonUp buttonUp This button's script shows how to draw and modify objects in another instance. (Click me to dismiss.)to dismiss.)) B"Draw Objects" buttonUp buttonUp Draw Objects Run Toolbook Window Shuffle --This Window Shuffle ZotherWindowHandle asure running toolbook M"ttdde.ebk" "ok" strRunToolBookButton() place x"85,10" 85,10 setRemote " "116,300,516,465" "220,300,413,465" H0,-50" "220,-166,413,-1" --bring bringWindowToTop( H0,100" "85,345,561,425" buttonup buttonup sysWindowHandle ttdde.ebk strRunToolBookButton 85,10 bounds of mainWindow 116,300,516,465 ttdde.ebk bounds of mainWindow 220,300,413,465 ttdde.ebk move mainWindow by 0,-50 ttdde.ebk bounds of mainWindow 220,-166,413,-1 ttdde.ebk bringWindowToTop move mainWindow by 0,100 ttdde.ebk bounds of mainWindow 85,345,561,425 ttdde.ebk toolbook otherWindowHandle Draw Objects Bounce 4RunEntireDemo buttonList ) ToolBook", "Window Shuffle",\ "Draw Objects", "Bounce" endDemo buttonup buttonup Run ToolBook Window Shuffle Draw Objects Bounce buttonUp +endDemo buttonList RunEntireDemo Run Entire Demo Bounce huffle Palettes dance Draw objects Bounce Bounce tttttt "Explain 4" buttonUp buttonUp Explain 4 Explain 4 Explain 1 Explain 2 Explain 3 Run ToolBook Window shuffle Palettes dance Draw objects Bounce tttttt Run ToolBook "Explain 1" buttonUp buttonUp Explain 1 Explain 1 Explain 2 Explain 3 Explain 4 Draw objects Bounce es dance Draw objects Bounce Bounce tttttt "Explain 3" buttonUp buttonUp Explain 3 Explain 3 Explain 1 Explain 2 Explain 4 Default "Explain 5" ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonUp mouseEnter mouseLeave Default buttonUp Explain 5 Explain 5 Explain 1 Explain 2 Explain 3 Explain 4 Shuffle windowssssssss Run ToolBook "Explain 2" buttonUp buttonUp Explain 2 Explain 2 Explain 1 Explain 3 Explain 4 -- When a chapter clicked update the section list. 4s_DidDoubleClick updateSectionList oselectedTextLines strip( -- If user presses a key that reflect -- Algorithm: -- Get currently . Forward keystroke ToolBook default processing. Check -- changed. If so, message sections. causes respond -- Update 4s_currentSection -- Set "Chapter 3Name" "Sections" commandLine sectionList " && " -- Clear buttonDoubleClick buttonUp keyDown updateSectionList buttonUp updateSectionList s_DidDoubleClick buttonDoubleClick strip s_DidDoubleClick keyDown updateSectionList updateSectionList Chapter Name strip set sectionList to Sections of this page Sections Sections sectionList commandLine s_currentSection Welcome uy ToolBook Application Integration Application Integration 4s_NoDlgDLL,s_NoUserDLL FALSE linkDLL "tbkdlg.dll" dialog( setValue( getValue( c"Cannot load default strNoDLL(" user" WORD SetActiveWindow( FindWindow(STRING,DWORD) INT ShowWindow( BringWindowToTop( FindProgMan unlinkDLL " ShowProgman 4hProgMan "Yield" ShowToolBook setactivewindow(syswindowHandle) [,s_NoProgMan, DoesFileExist("PROGMAN.EXE",strNoProgMan()) showWindow( activateInstance enterpage ShowProgman ShowToolBook leavepage FindProgMan activateInstance enterpage tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue Cannot load DLL tbkdlg.dll strNoDLL SetActiveWindow FindWindow ShowWindow BringWindowToTop Cannot load DLL strNoDLL FindProgMan default s_NoDlgDLL s_NoUserDLL leavepage tbkdlg.dll s_NoDlgDLL s_NoUserDLL ShowProgman BringWindowToTop Yield hProgMan ShowToolBook setactivewindow FindProgMan ProgMan FindWindow PROGMAN.EXE strNoProgMan DoesFileExist PROGMAN.EXE setactivewindow showWindow showWindow setactivewindow hProgMan s_NoProgMan s_NoUserDLL activateInstance FindProgMan Dynamic Data Exchange Example: ToolBook Example: Program Manager Example: Program Manager What is a DLL? utines sectionNumber startSection What is a DLL? Dynamic link librariesn A dynamic link library (DLL) is a set of routines or functions written in a programming language (often C or Pascal). ToolBook is fully extensible, providing a completely open architecture for linking to any DLL. You gain full connectivity and access to an ever-growing set of libraries..f libraries......... open architecture for linking to any DLL. You gain full connectivity and access to an ever-growing set of libraries.g set of int FAR PASCAL LibMain (hModule, wDataSeg, wHeapSize, lpCmdLine) HANDLE hModule ; WORD wDataSeg, wHeapSize ; LPSTR lpCmdLine ; return(TRUE) ; int FAR PASCAL WEP(int bSystemExit) return(TRUE) ; return(TRUE) ; bout ); FreeProcInstance(lpfnSaveAsDlgProc); FreeProcInstance(lpProModifyList ); DeleteObject(hBM_Logo); DeleteObject(hBM_ColorLogo); return(TRUE) ; ce(lpProModifyList ); DeleteObject(hBM_Logo); DeleteObject(hBM_ColorLogo); return(TRUE) ; SCAL WEP(int bSystemExit) FreeProcInstance(lpProcAbout ); FreeProcInstance(lpfnSaveAsDlgProc); FreeProcInstance(lpProModifyList ); DeleteObject(hBM_Logo); DeleteObject(hBM_ColorLogo); return(TRUE) ; :PHYSSIZE Dynamic link library= Click the right arrow to continue.t the next chapter.ext chapter.... Example: Program Manager sectionNumber startSection Example: Program Manager Dynamic Data Exchange The Windows Program Manager is an example of an appplication that supports DDE. Click the buttons to the right to use DDE to add an item to a Program Manager group, or create, show, or delete a group.+ Click the buttons to the right to use DDE to add an item to a Program Manager group, or create, show, or delete a group. Click the captions to the right of the numbers for more information. Click the right arrow to continue. Explain 4 buttonUp buttonUp This button's script shows how to send an executeRemote command to display a Program Manager group in a variety of ways. (Click me to dismiss.) (Click me to dismiss.)ismiss.) B"Show Group" buttonUp buttonUp Show Group Explain 3 buttonUp buttonUp This button's script shows how to send an executeRemote command to delete a Program Manager group. (Click me to dismiss.) (Click me to dismiss.))to dismiss.)ick me to dismiss.) B"Delete Group" buttonUp buttonUp Delete Group Explain 2 buttonUp buttonUp This button's script shows how to send an executeRemote command to create a new Program Manager group. (Click me to dismiss.) (Click me to dismiss.)to dismiss.)smiss.)))) B"Create Group" buttonUp buttonUp Create Group Explain 1 buttonUp buttonUp This button's script shows how to link TBKDLG.DLL, call the dialog function, and send an executeRemote command to add an item to a Program Manager group. (Click me to dismiss.) B"Add Item" buttonUp buttonUp Add Item Delete Group "Explain 4" buttonUp buttonUp Explain 4 Explain 4 Explain 1 Explain 2 Explain 3 Create Group "Explain 1" buttonUp buttonUp Explain 1 Explain 1 Explain 4 Explain 2 Explain 3 Show Group Bounce es dance Draw objects Bounce Bounce tttttt "Explain 3" buttonUp buttonUp Explain 3 Explain 3 Explain 1 Explain 2 Explain 4 Default "Explain 5" ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonUp mouseEnter mouseLeave Default buttonUp Explain 5 Explain 5 Explain 1 Explain 2 Explain 3 Explain 4 Add Item "Explain 2" buttonUp buttonUp Explain 2 Explain 2 Explain 1 Explain 4 Explain 3 Create Group 4s_NoDlgDLL,s_NoProgMan strNoProgMan() strNoDLL("tbkdlg.dll") retValue dialog( odlgBox, odlginit) GroupName getValue( function GroupFile strMustHaveGroupInfo() showProgMan "[CreateGroup("& &","& &")]" "PROGMAN" showToolBook buttonUp buttonUp strNoProgMan tbkdlg.dll strNoDLL dlgBox dlginit dialog edit GroupName getValue edit GroupFile getValue strMustHaveGroupInfo showProgMan [CreateGroup( PROGMAN PROGMAN <:showToolBook GroupFile GroupName retValue s_NoDlgDLL s_NoProgMan dlgInit ,s5,Group Name: edit GroupName,e7, button OK,b9,TRUE button Cancel,b10,FALSE ,s23,Group File: edit GroupFile,e24, dlgBox 524480,6,30,20,180,82,,,Create Group,8,Helv,,0.00,10.71,54.13,11.45,5,1342177282,130,Group Name:,0,GroupName,55.96,10.71,115.77,13.17,7,1350631424,129,,0,,0.00,26.79,54.13,11.45,23,1342177282,130,Group File:,0,GroupFile,55.96,26.79,115.77,13.17,24,1350631424,129,,0,OK,41.07,50.30,50.86,12.31,9,1342242817,128,OK,0,Cancel,95.20,50.30,50.90,12.31,10,1342242816,128,Cancel,0 ctrlID Add Item 4s_NoDlgDLL,s_NoProgMan strNoProgMan() strNoDLL("tbkdlg.dll") retValue dialog( odlgBox, odlginit) ItemName getValue( function CmdLine CommandLine") strMustHaveCmdLine() showProgMan "[AddItem("& n&","& &")]" "PROGMAN" showToolBook buttonUp buttonUp strNoProgMan tbkdlg.dll strNoDLL dlgBox dlginit dialog edit ItemName getValue edit CommandLine getValue strMustHaveCmdLine showProgMan [AddItem( PROGMAN PROGMAN <:showToolBook CmdLine ItemName retValue s_NoDlgDLL s_NoProgMan "T!dlgBox 524480,6,30,20,180,74,,,Add Item,8,Helv,,5.45,9.39,56.00,11.45,5,1342177282,130,Item Name:,0,,5.45,26.87,56.00,11.45,6,1342177282,130,Command Line:,0,ItemName,63.28,9.39,110.13,13.17,7,1350631424,129,,0,CommandLine,63.28,25.48,110.13,13.17,8,1350631424,129,,0,OK,39.05,47.59,50.86,12.31,9,1342242817,128,OK,0,Cancel,93.14,47.59,50.90,12.31,10,1342242816,128,Cancel,0 "dlgInit ,s5,Item Name: ,s6,Command Line: edit ItemName,e7, edit CommandLine,e8, button OK,b9,TRUE button Cancel,b10,FALSE b#ctrlID Show Group 4s_NoDlgDLL,s_NoProgMan strNoProgMan() strNoDLL("tbkdlg.dll") retValue dialog( odlgBox, odlginit) GroupName getValue( function ShowCommand strMustHaveGroupName() showProgMan "[ShowGroup("& 2&","& &")]" "PROGMAN" showToolBook buttonUp buttonUp strNoProgMan tbkdlg.dll strNoDLL dlgBox dlginit dialog edit GroupName getValue button 1 getValue button 2 getValue button 3 getValue button 4 getValue button 5 getValue button 6 getValue button 7 getValue button 8 getValue strMustHaveGroupName showProgMan [ShowGroup( PROGMAN PROGMAN <:showToolBook ShowCommand GroupName retValue s_NoDlgDLL s_NoProgMan (dlgBox 524480,12,30,20,180,110,,,Show Group,8,Helv,,0.00,10.67,54.13,11.45,5,1342177282,130,Group Name:,0,GroupName,55.96,10.67,115.77,13.17,7,1350631424,129,,0,1,13.07,32.78,65.33,10.46,12,1342177289,128,Restore (Active),0,2,13.07,42.83,67.20,10.46,13,1342177289,128,Iconic (Active),0,5,13.07,52.88,65.33,10.46,16,1342177289,128,Current (Active),0,3,13.07,62.93,50.86,10.46,14,1342177289,128,Maximize,0,4,95.20,32.78,78.40,10.46,15,1342177289,128,Restore (Not Active),0,7,95.20,42.83,74.67,10.46,18,1342177289,128,Iconic (Not Active),0,8,95.20,52.88,76.53,10.46,19,1342177289,128,Current (Not Active),0,6,95.20,62.93,50.86,10.46,17,1342177289,128,Minimize,0,OK,41.07,81.03,50.86,12.31,9,1342242817,128,OK,0,Cancel,95.20,81.03,50.90,12.31,10,1342242816,128,Cancel,0 +dlgInit ,s5,Group Name: edit GroupName,e7, button 1,b12,TRUE button 2,b13,FALSE button 5,b16,FALSE button 3,b14,FALSE button 4,b15,FALSE button 7,b18,FALSE button 8,b19,FALSE button 6,b17,FALSE button OK,b9,TRUE button Cancel,b10,FALSE ,ctrlID Delete Group 4s_NoDlgDLL,s_NoProgMan strNoProgMan() strNoDLL("tbkdlg.dll") retValue dialog( odlgBox, odlginit) GroupName getValue( function strMustHaveGroupName() showProgMan "[DeleteGroup("& z&")]" "PROGMAN" showToolBook buttonUp buttonUp strNoProgMan tbkdlg.dll strNoDLL dlgBox dlginit dialog edit GroupName getValue strMustHaveGroupName showProgMan [DeleteGroup( PROGMAN PROGMAN <:showToolBook GroupName retValue s_NoDlgDLL s_NoProgMan 040dlgInit ,s5,Group Name: edit GroupName,e7, button OK,b9,TRUE button Cancel,b10,FALSE 0dlgBox 524480,4,30,20,180,63,,,Delete Group,8,Helv,,0.00,10.75,54.13,11.45,5,1342177282,130,Group Name:,0,GroupName,55.96,10.75,115.77,13.17,7,1350631424,129,,0,OK,41.07,33.11,50.86,12.31,9,1342242817,128,OK,0,Cancel,95.20,33.11,50.90,12.31,10,1342242816,128,Cancel,0 1ctrlID Why this book exists Table of Contents Window's DLL Routines Purpose of this book What is a DLL? Book Editor Windows DLL Routines Welcome Table of Contents -- If moved, a user-defined property, home, -- the graphic covering "Arrow" -- When Fmouse pressed, B"pushButton" released, w. Finally, -- Move -- depending on parameter, x, which can be H15,15 buttonDown moved buttonUp press moved Arrow buttonDown pushButton press buttonUp press press Arrow pushButton 2291,4043 pushButton Arrow Table of Contents Table of Contents Chapters Sections -- Turn the selected section clicked. turnToSection pressed. -- pkey default processing -- Algorithm: -- Get currently . If named strip( oselectedTextLines Click buttonDoubleClick keyChar turnToSection buttonDoubleClick qturnToSection keyChar qturnToSection turnToSection strip Chapter Name Title pushButton Arrow Application Integration June, (c) Asymetrix Corporation gives you permission e, revise reuse the individual scripts your own applications. --You may x, however, Sentire a substantial part redistribution jproduct. retains copyright on original elements . Include notice "Portions are they contain copied -- When entering 8, switch Reader level, -- environment, cbar status box. -- System -- s_changesDB - The setting nproperty. 8was opened. -- s_currentSection- Chapter section -- s_Chapters - Text chapters table contents. -- s_didDoubleClick- Flag used indicate whether has been }-clicked. -- s_Speed - Used speed some animations. -- s_Author - Set handler. goes confirmation accessed. 4s_DidDoubleClick 4s_NewToTOC restoreEnvironment linkDLL "User" DWORD GetCurrentTime() "Table Contents" selectedTextLines setupmenu 4sFromAppSampler 8"appsamp.tbk" leaving ,fromMain -- Restore _saving . Also, asure that ToolBook confirms -- user exits 8without oldChangesDB oldFromAppSampler beginning . If marks list. -- This also unlocks screen, forcing image, mouse cursor hourglass default shape. ocomplements , which effective notify flipping complete. 4s_sectionStarted sectionNumber startSection markSection record 4s_lastTestTime intentional. -- Each Ifollowing , going will cause -- a display asking verification. Request "Even minor could " &&\ work incorrectly. Go anyway?" f"Cancel" "Yes" -- Go -- Use function asterisk, strip x SPACE & TAB & "*" & CR & LF -- Moves (s) listed param startPos endPos. moved 1/division distance between larger slower moves. If interrupt moveImage endPosX endPosY div_1 showObjects obj, xOffset, yOffset objList startTime 4s_testTime showElapsedTime thisTestTime M) / 1000 %"#.0" prompt u took" && H&& " <> 0 deltaTime )) * 100 %"#.0" 2<> 0 relation "faster" %"#.0" " It was" && & "%" && "than strNODLL dllName rtStr "Cannot find "& "." 2& ":" && G & "." strRunToolBookButton "Please press strDrawObjectsButton strMustHaveCmdLine a 'Command strMustHaveGroupInfo either a ' , File' create a strMustHaveGroupName strAlreadyRunning already running." strOtherInstance close other instances 4pressing 8- 1) 8- 1) setupMenu saveSLS sysLockscreen FALSE c"Help" e"&How To RemoveMenuItemsByPosition 0,"4,3" 1,"8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0" -2,"7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0" G3,"7,6" unlink ("Show Hotwords" hotwords" SystemMenu ,INT) SubMenu EnableMenuItem ( unlinkDLL " MenuPos,MenuItemPosList cdesired. -1 submenu hMenu GetSystemMenu(syswindowHandle,0) hMainMenu GetMenu( GetSubMenu( (menuitemPosList) EnaRet ,1024) RemRet ,1024) HowToReadThisBook DoesFileExist fileName,strSpecialMessage TBKFile.dll" INT FileExists (STRING) LinkDLL ("TBKFILE. ) <> 1 strCantFind( M strFileName &CRLF& \ directory." strNoProgMan ""PROGMAN.EXE"". demonstration "& xavailable Program Manager " restoreEnvironment moveImage showObjects startTime showElapsedTime enterPage enterBook setupMenu leavePage showhotwords leaveBook unlink RemoveMenuItemsByPosition author HowToReadThisBook jectsButton strip strMustHaveCmdLine strRunToolBookButton strMustHaveGroupInfo strMustHaveGroupName strAlreadyRunning strOtherInstance strNODLL DoesFileExist strDrawObjectsButton strCantFind strNoProgMan enterBook reader eRrestoreEnvironment GetCurrentTime Table of Contents Chapters Chapters setupmenu sizeToPage s_NewToTOC s_Author s_Speed s_DidDoubleClick s_Chapters s_currentSection s_changesDB appsamp.tbk sFromAppSampler leaveBook eRrestoreEnvironment s_changesDB fromMain restoreEnvironment oldFromAppSampler oldChangesDB s_changesDB sFromAppSampler enterPage sectionNumber startSection sectionNumber markSection Table of Contents default s_sectionStarted leavePage sectionNumber s_lastTestTime s_currentSection author Even minor changes at Author level could cause this book to work incorrectly. Go to Author level anyway? Cancel s_Author Table of contents strip moveImage div_1 endPosY endPosX division endPos startPos image showObjects group objList yOffset xOffset startTime GetCurrentTime s_testTime showElapsedTime GetCurrentTime This test took seconds. faster slower It was than the previous test. relation deltaTime prompt thisTestTime s_testTime s_lastTestTime strNODLL Cannot find DLL rtStr dllName strRunToolBookButton Please press the 'Run ToolBook' button first. strDrawObjectsButton Please press the 'Draw objects' button first. strMustHaveCmdLine You must enter a 'Command Line' to add an item. strMustHaveGroupInfo You must enter either a 'Group Name' or a 'Group File' to create a group. strMustHaveGroupName You must enter a 'Group Name' to execute this command. strAlreadyRunning An application of ToolBook is already running. strOtherInstance Please close all other instances of ToolBook before pressing this button. setupMenu &Help &How To Read This Book RemoveMenuItemsByPosition RemoveMenuItemsByPosition 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 RemoveMenuItemsByPosition 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 RemoveMenuItemsByPosition unlink saveSLS showhotwords Show Hotwords checked show hotwords show hotwords GetSystemMenu GetMenu GetSubMenu EnableMenuItem RemoveMenu unlink RemoveMenuItemsByPosition GetSystemMenu GetMenu GetSubMenu menuitemPosList EnableMenuItem RemoveMenu RemRet EnaRet MenuItemPos hMainMenu hMenu MenuItemPosList MenuPos HowToReadThisBook How To Read This Book DoesFileExist TBKFile.dll FileExists TBKFILE.DLL strNODLL FileExists strCantFind TBKFile.dll TBKFile.dll strSpecialMessage fileName strCantFind Cannot find the file: Please check that it is in the current directory. strFileName strNoProgMan Cannot find "PROGMAN.EXE". This demonstration is not available without the Program Manager application. Please continue to the next page. getData dataPath "PathToData" currentSpot ?)/2) 1" + 1) ktextlineCount( FALSE ChartData "PathToChart" currentValue 1" + 1 value DocumentData "PathToDocs" spinTape "MainFrame" flashLights artData getData DocumentData ChartData getData PathToData Data 1 Data 1 Data 1 Data 2 Data 1 Data 3 Data 1 currentSpot:to currentSpot dataPath ChartData PathToChart Chart Data 1 Chart 1 value Data 1 Chart 2 value Data 2 Chart 3 value Data 3 currentValue currentSpot:to currentSpot dataPath DocumentData PathToDocs Data 1 Doc 1 Doc 2 Doc 3 currentValue currentSpot:to currentSpot dataPath o(qspinTape MainFrame flashLights MainFrame Table of Contents Sections3 What is a DLL? Windows DLL routines Example: Window controller Sections2 What is DDE? DDE & application integration Example: ToolBook Example: Program Manager Sections1 Purpose of this book How to read this book Purpose of this book How to read this bookple: Window controller Example: Program Manageragerollererase ToolBook as a database front end Application Integrationructed record fields * Obstructed fields and scrolling * The drawTextDirect property * Metafiles * User interface conventions * General page tips Introduction librariesn Application Integration of Contentss Introduction Dynamic Data Exchange Dynamic link librariessssne ToolBook Differenceiggie at home Designing for speed Design examplesspeed background and direct draw Design examples -- Hide help information clicked. default buttonDoubleClick buttonDoubleClick default Instructions: Click a chapter name on the left to see the chapter's sections on the right. Double-click a chapter name to go to the beginning of the chapter. Double-click a section name on the right to go directly to the section. Completed sections and chapters will be marked with an asterisk.e-click this text to make it the Workbook window to return to the Workbook. Click this text to make it disappear.r..e it disappear.. Table of Contents Application Integration Book 1991 Asymetrix Corporation All rights reserved. Asymetrix Application Integration Book team: Laurel McComber Harriet Landrum Tom Arnold Nanette Wright Carol Buchmiller Brad Gaub Jeff Day Special thanks to: Bob Galluppp Table of Contents -- Go the Table Contents buttonUp buttonUp What is DDE? Exchange 4systemSpot,ShowExample xTRUE "Data" a + 1) m"Path")/2) currentSpot "Receive 2" "Send 1" "2" + 1) + 1) 0.15 Receive 2 Send 1 Send 2 Send 2 Send 2 Send 2 Receive 1 Send 2 Send 1 Send 1 Send 1 Send 1 333333 currentSpot systemSpot ShowExample sectionNumber startSection What is DDE? Dynamic Data Exchange Windows Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) is a communication protocol that defines how two Windows applications interoperate. DDE provides Windows applications--including ToolBook--with a mechanism to get data from and give data to other applications and to execute commands...lications to execute commands.her applications to execute commands. The power of DDE is that it can be used as a means to integrate Windows applications. Windows applications can use features in other Windows applications by communicating with those applications. DDE is used to communicate between two or more instances of ToolBook, providing a method to link several ToolBook instances together into a single integrated application. Click the right arrow. :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE Receive: Receive 2 Apples Oranges Pears Grapes Peaches Send:ve: Send 2 Horses Birds Receive: Receive 1 Horses Birds Send:ve: Send 1 Apples Oranges Pears Grapes Peaches ToolBook Application Windows Application Click Show DDE Example to see example. Or click the right arrow to continueeeeeee. 4ShowExample DDE "Stop FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Show DDE Example Stop DDE Example Show DDE Example ShowExample Show DDE Example Chapter Head -- If moved, a user-defined property, home, -- the graphic covering "Arrow" -- When Fmouse pressed, B"pushButton" released, w. Finally, -- Move -- depending on parameter, x, which can be H15,15 buttonDown moved buttonUp press moved Arrow buttonDown pushButton press buttonUp press press Arrow pushButton 2291,4043 pushButton Arrow Title Table of Contents -- Go the Table Contents buttonUp buttonUp Table of Contents Click the right arrow to continue.rrrrrrrrr previous -- If moved, a user-defined property, home, -- the graphic covering "Arrow" -- When Fmouse pressed, B"pushButton" released, w. Finally, Previous -- Move -- depending on parameter, x, which can be H15,15 buttonDown moved buttonUp press moved Arrow buttonDown pushButton press buttonUp press Previous press Arrow pushButton 1917,4043 pushButton Arrow Topic 4s_Chapters sectionNumber 3 Name" strip( enterPage enterPage sectionNumber Chapter Name strip s_Chapters Chapter Name Title getLine loc getLine getLine textFromPoint -- If moved, a user-defined property, home, -- the graphic covering "Arrow" -- When Fmouse pressed, oenabled B"pushButton" released, w. 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Finally, Previous -- Move -- depending on parameter, x, which can be H15,15 buttonDown moved buttonUp press moved Arrow buttonDown pushButton press buttonUp press Previous press Arrow pushButton 1917,4043 pushButton Arrow Dynamic Data Exchange startSection sectionNumber Title Dynamic Data Exchange Topic arning ToolBook enScript Exercises s Rmn 3^D|D| -- a renumbering a n > 0 enterBook renumber enterBook sizeToPage renumber :REPORTDATA :CONDITIONDATA Text of RecordField "Instructions" is "null" As Text Text of RecordField "Instructions" is null defaultSize 9315,5745 plication Integration System y`D|D| `D|D| gD|D|E gD|D| ]D|D| `D|D| fD|D|E fD|D|E fD|D|E `D|D| rminal `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| fault 9_D|D| pageNumber is 103 or pageNumber is 104 pageNumber is 103 or pageNumber is 104 pageNumber is 103 or pageNumber is 104 pageobjs ]D|D| :PRINTLAYOUT `D|D| `D|D| u`D|D| `D|D| aB|B| Title q\D|D| \D|D| gD|D|E gD|D| gD|D| About Application Integration fD|D|% fD|D|% QuikTour.v ~pUnable to return to the Quick Tour. launchedFrom s_launchedFrom DDE & Application Integration sectionNumber startSection DDE and application integration Dynamic Data Exchange With DDE and ToolBook, you can fully integrate Windows applications that also support DDE. ToolBook can be used to execute commands in other Windows applications, including menu commands and macros that allow for the passage of data between applications.. Click the right arrow. :PHYSSIZE data 1 data 2 data 3 Data Retrievalonn GetData buttonUp buttonUp *GetData Get Data ChartData buttonUp buttonUp ChartData Chart DocumentData buttonUp buttonUp DocumentData Document MainFrame spinTape "Tapes" flashLights spinTape flashLights spinTape Tapes Tapes Tapes Tapes Tapes Tapes flashLights Lights Lights Lights Lights Lights Lights Lights Lights tapes lights PathToData PathToDocs PathToChart Click these buttons to see example of DDE in use. Click the right arrow to continue. 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For example, the Shuffle Windows demonstrated on the Example: ToolBook page uses both DDE and a Windows DLL. For more information on Windows DLLs and other DLLs, see the Prototyping application. You can display it from the Application Sampler book..functions. For more information on Window's DLLs and DLLs in general, see the Prototyping application. Memory management GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GlobalUnlock GlobalFree... Window management BringWindowToTop MoveWindow ShowWindow.......... Click the right arrow to continue.t the next chapter.ext chapter.... What is DDE? Dynamic Link Libraries startSection Dynamic link libraries sectionNumber Example:Window Controller Example: Window Controller integrat.ico wwwwpwwwww wwwwpwwwww DDDDp DDDDp Table of Contents Sections3 What is a DLL? Windows DLL routines Example: Window controller Sections2 What is DDE? DDE & application integration Example: ToolBook Example: Program Manager Sections1 Purpose of this book How to read this book * Purpose of this book * How to read this book * Example: ToolBook * Example: Program Managerollererase ToolBook as a database front end Application Integrationructed record fields * Obstructed fields and scrolling * The drawTextDirect property * Metafiles * User interface conventions * General page tips Introduction Exchangesn Application Integration of Contentss * Introduction * Dynamic Data Exchange * Dynamic link librariesne ToolBook Differenceiggie at home Designing for speed Design examplesspeed background and direct draw Design examples -- Hide help information clicked. default buttonDoubleClick buttonDoubleClick default Instructions: Click a chapter name on the left to see the chapter's sections on the right. Double-click a chapter name to go to the beginning of the chapter. Double-click a section name on the right to go directly to the section. Completed sections and chapters will be marked with an asterisk.e-click this text to make it the Workbook window to return to the Workbook. Click this text to make it disappear.r..e it disappear.. Purpose of this book * How to read this book * Purpose of this book * How to read this book outines * Example: Window controller * What is a DLL? * Windows DLL routines * Example: Window controller * What is DDE? * DDE & application integration * Example: ToolBook * Example: Program Manager