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  This program is released into the public domain.  You may use and
  distribute it freely.  There is no copyright, no fee for use, no
  licensing, or no registration.  This editor is not user supported,
  corporate sponsored, or government subsidized - it is sustained and
  maintained solely by Frank Davis.  This editor was written for use not
  only as a simple text editor but also as a learning tool.  Examine the
  code and discover the basics of editor construction.  Experiment a
  little and add your favorite functions or modify the existing functions
  to suit your needs/requirements/tastes/etc.  If anyone includes TDE with
  their own software, please use common courtesy and give Doug Thomson and
  Frank Davis credit for their work (that's the only payment I ask).  If
  you release any changes or additions to the TDE editor, please observe
  the original spirit of Doug Thomson's DTE 5.1 and release the changes as
  public domain software.

See Also: Legal Legal Stuff
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson