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  Shift-F4  Edit New File

    To bring another file into the editor, use this function.  It
    loads the file into the current window and previous window becomes
    invisible.  You can even load several copies of the same file.  I
    like this because I often need to refer back to the original
    unchanged file on disk.  When I make a booboo in a file, which is
    quite often, I don't necessarily want to quit and start over; I
    just want to get back the part that I messed up.  It is really
    easy to mark the original text in a block and copy it to the place
    where I made a booboo.  Each time a file is loaded into TDE, it is
    treated as a different file.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson