I hate keystrokes that aren't needed! It was for this reason that I wrote this generic front end routine for my editor and a few other programs. This routine has a few features that make it wonderfully powerful for minimizing keystrokes. I have also enclosed my personal configurations for my own editor because some of the features of my front end can be used in cunjunction with the editor (in particular my GREP-goto facility). Since I was raised on WordStar, (I think because of my Borland upbringing) I used the WordStar file 'ws.s' for my basic editor. I kept many, but not all, of the commands in your basic set. The end product, however was far from an off the standard shelf editor I have seen (I have even tinkered with Brief... but went back to Qedit.... imagine that). I use an enhanced keyboard and take full advantage of that in my keystroke commands. I wrote a routine called Loader (I originally wrote it for Qedit, but have since greatly enhanced it for Sem-Edit). This routine is actually very generic, but I made special hooks for Sem-Edit. One of the big annoyances of Qedit, was that it could only recognize six file extensions... this limitation, though not horrible, was unacceptable when you program in five or six different languages. So I had to write a routine that would allow Qedit to recognize as many extensions as possible. I also wanted it to load all the files with allowable extensions if they were available (As I'm sure you probably know, there is usually a '.h' associated with a '.c' or '.cpp' file... I wanted it to load both the '.c' and the '.h' file). One other feature was the ability to load exact file names in my list of acceptable extensions (I didn't want to load files with a '.sys' extension, but I wanted to be able to load 'config.sys' without typing the whole name and extension). After using that a couple of days, I got more spoiled and wanted more power than just recognizing extensions! So I added a feature that would allow the loading of partial filenames with no wildcards (you could just type: "q te", and Qedit would load all of the files that began with 'te' and had acceptable extensions). I also added a routine so if you typed: "q 'mp' ", Qedit would load all of the acceptable files that had 'mp' in their filename. Then I added an intelligent 'grep' command, if you typed the following: "q lo /us crt, dos/ *.pas", Qedit would load all files that began with 'lo' then would search all of files with a '.pas' extension for the three words appearing between the slash's ('US'; 'CRT'; and 'DOS'... because of a DOS limitation, commas are ignored). Case is ignored and they must appear in that order on the same line. So a file with: "Uses Crt, Dos" would be loaded, but "Uses Dos, Crt" would be ignored. This feature allowed my grep to load routines that you could only remember parts of the variable names, or you couldn't remember if you put a underscore between words in a variable. This was pretty slick... but then Sem-Edit came along and it was time to go to the next level. One of the 'features' I 'programmed' into Sem-Edit was a way to remember the last place you edited in your file, and when the Sem-Edit would load these particular files, it would go right to that point. This does make a tag file ('SEMEDIT.$E$'), but this is a small price to pay for this kind of power! I then added to my Loader routine a way to generate a file I named ('GREPGOTO.$E$'), this file will make my Sem-Edit goto the first occurrence of the grep search string in each of the loaded files. I think you can see the power of such a routine! My Loader routine is a strange sort of program that expects itself to be called from a batch file (Enclosed is 'Q.BAT' as an example). Loader actually generates its own batch file (Loader1.Bat) to call Sem-Edit. It places Loader1.Bat in a subdirectory defined in the original batch file ('Q.BAT' must be modified to point to a directory in your current path). Specific parameters are defined in a file also pointed to in the original batch file (in this case 'Q.CFG'). I think you can see the implications of having a setup like this: you may use this Loader to for multiple programs (I use it for Dos-Edit and 4Print (I also included my 4print batch and configuration for another application example 4p2.bat and 4p2.cfg)... they can only load one file at a time. That is why I have a Single_File option in my config-file). For a more detailed explanation of Loader, just type 'Loader' at the DOS-prompt. Enclosed is a copy of my files associated with Sem-Edit, WSPLUS.S and WSPLUS.CFG), Loader and it's associated files (LOADER.EXE, Q.BAT, Q.CFG). Please take a look at them, I don't think you will be disapointed. In fact, you may find them quite useful. Sincerely Douglas Joseph 117 Oak Leaf Lane Longwood Fl, 32779 H: 407-862-6218 W: 407-862-2158