Release notes for Ventura Publisher 4.1.1 for Windows Update Enclosed is your Ventura Publisher 4.1.1 for Windows update. Please read through these release notes before installing the Ventura Publisher 4.1.1 for Windows update. The release notes will describe how to install the Ventura Publisher 4.1.1 update, and the issues addressed in this update. IMPORTANT!! =============================================================================== This update disk does not contain a complete set of program files. You must have Ventura Publisher 4.1 for Windows installed before installing this update. Do not delete the files from your VENTURA directory; the installation program will update the files in your current installation. The update installation will not affect any data files (e.g., text, width tables, style sheets). =============================================================================== If you need to reinstall Ventura Publisher 4.1 for Windows at a later time, this update will also need to be reinstalled. This update cannot be used to update a Ventura Publisher 4.0 for Windows installation. Installing this update to a Ventura Publisher 4.0 (or 4.0.1) installation will cause improper operation of Ventura Publisher. INSTALLATION ============ To install the Ventura Publisher 4.1.1 update: >> Ensure that Ventura Publisher 4.1 for Windows has previously been installed, and note the drive on which the Ventura Publisher program files are installed. >> Run Windows 3.0 or above in standard or enhanced mode. >> Insert the Ventura Publisher 4.1.1 for Windows update disk in the appropriate diskette drive. >> Select the Run option from the Program Manager File menu. >> On the Command Line entry field, enter: [floppy]:\SETUP where [floppy] is replaced with the letter of the diskette drive containing the update disk. Click on the OK button, or press the Enter key. >> When the update installation program screen appears, use the drive select buttons to select the drive on which Ventura Publisher 4.1 for Windows is installed. >> Click on the Continue button to install the update files. Click on the Exit button to quit the installation program. >> The update installation program will not create a new Ventura Publisher icon. Simply use the icon labeled Ventura Publisher 4.1 to start Ventura Publisher 4.1.1. Ventura Scan update ------------------- The Ventura Publisher 4.1.1 disk also contains update files for Ventura Scan. These update files provide support for TWAIN-compliant scanners and are required only if you need to use Ventura Scan with a TWAIN-compliant scanner. The Ventura Publisher 4.1.1 update must be installed prior to installing the Ventura Scan update drivers. These procedures are also used if you have not previously installed Ventura Scan, and wish to install Ventura Scan for use with a TWAIN-compliant scanner. To install the Ventura Scan update files: NOTE: =============================================================================== You will need the Ventura Publisher 4.1 program disks available to perform this installation. =============================================================================== >> Open the Ventura Publisher group windows in Program Manager and double-click on the VENTURA SETUP icon OR Select the Run option from the Program Manager File menu and enter the following in the Command Line entry field: [vpdrive]:\VENTURA\SETUP where [vpdrive] is replaced with the letter of the drive on which Ventura Publisher 4.1.1 is installed. Click on the OK button or press the Enter key. >> When the Ventura Publisher Install dialog box is displayed, click on the Custom button. >> When the Ventura Publisher Custom Installation dialog box is displayed, check the Scan checkbox. >> Use the drive select buttons adjacent to the Scan option to change the drive to that on which Ventura Publisher is installed. >> Click on the Continue button. >> When the Scanners dialog box is displayed, select the TWAIN 1.0 option and then click on the OK button. >> When the Ventura Publisher Install dialog is displayed (prompting for the Applications Disk), insert the Applications Disk (disk 1) from the Ventura Publisher 4.1 program disks in the appropriate floppy disk drive. It may be necessary to change the path displayed to reflect the disk drive in which the Applications Disk is inserted. >> Click on the OK button or press the Enter key. >> When the Ventura Publisher Install dialog is again displayed (prompting for the Scan/Separator Disk), insert the Scan/Separator Disk (disk 6) from the Ventura Publisher 4.1 program disks in the appropriate floppy disk drive. >> Click on the OK button or press the Enter key. >> When the Ventura Publisher Install dialog is again displayed (prompting for the Scan/Separator Disk), insert the Ventura Publisher 4.1.1 update disk in the appropriate floppy disk drive. >> Click on the OK button or press the Enter key. Ventura Scan and TWAIN-compliant scanners ----------------------------------------- Ventura Scan will support the TWAIN driver with the following limitations. o The scanner must be installed and turned on before starting Ventura Publisher. The TWAIN driver will cause unpredictable results if the scanner is not installed or turned on before starting Ventura Publisher (e.g., series of error messages, General Protection Fault). o Ventura Scan does not support TWAIN-compliant hand scanners, or other scanners that do not have a non-fixed scan lengths. o Your scanner may have additional requirements that must be met before it can operate under Windows using the TWAIN drivers. Refer to the documentation accompanying the scanner for these requirements. o The TWAIN driver supplied with Ventura Publisher was tested and verified on a limited number of TWAIN-compliant scanners available at the time of production. TWAIN-compliant scanners released subsequent to the the release of Ventura Publisher's TWAIN driver may not be compatible. ISSUES ADDRESSED ================ This section describes the issues addressed in this update. Button Configuration Editor --------------------------- The button bar editor will now make a backup of the VPWIN.INI when when saving changes to the button bar. If the frame mode Grid & Select All buttons are removed, the button bar editor now allows them to be reinserted into the button bar. Enhancements ------------ Ventura Publisher now supports typing over highlighted text. If you highlight a range of text and then begin typing, the highlighted text will be replaced with the entered text. Memory management enhancements have been made. General ------- Repeating frame no longer disappears when the Undo command is selected after applying a frame tag to the repeating frame. A UAE/GPF no longer occurs when opening a chapter if the frame tag file (.FRM) associated with the chapter is deleted, and the chapter contains frames that have both a frame tag assigned to them and a caption. Ventura Publisher will now run if the HASH.FID file size is a multiple of 16K bytes. The date in a header/footer is now invalid on the last day of the months. Corel 3.0's OLE features now work correctly with Ventura Publisher. Attempting to make a repeating frame from a frame that is assigned a frame tag now works correctly. Typing in table cells no longer continues text into neighboring cells. Text cursor no longer appears in other paragraphs, columns, or table cells after a page refresh when entering text. A UAE/GPF no longer results from turning off Auto-numbering while the text cursor in in an auto-numbered paragraph. A UAE/GPF no longer results from adding a large number of pages. Installation ------------ The installation program no longer requires the renaming of SHARE.EXE for proper installation. The installer will no longer copy files from an older version of Ventura if the VENTURA directory is in the path. Using the Custom installation option to install only Ventura Scan will now correctly install Ventura Scan. The installer's temporary directory (\WINDOWS\TEMP) is now erased after installation. The installed setup application (SETUP2.EXE) now works under Windows 3.0. The HP IIC scanner color correction is now available in Ventura Separator. The installer now includes the ability to install the TWAIN scanner driver. Enhanced SCAN.INI now defaults to no scanner selected. Memory ------ A warning message is now displayed when exceeding the memory limits set in the Help dialog box. Multichapter Operations The Multichapter Copy All command will now correctly copy chapter files with a large number of files or lengthy path entries. Search & replace now works correctly when encountering a paragraph containing an index entry of 23 characters and footnote entry. Printing -------- Pages displayed as greeked in reduced view no longer prints as greeked. User Interface -------------- The zero point on the ruler will now update properly while working in the text/paragraph mode. The two-way sizing arrow now appears when trying to size the Auto-Numbering tag list, or the Classic mode tag and files list. Highlighting a range of text for deletion using the Delete key no longer requires the mouse to be moved before deleting the text. Classic mode tag list now minimizes and restores correctly. The button bar and pull down menus can no longer cause a UAE/GPF by becoming selectable when working with the Special Effects option. Auto-numbering no works correctly when a tag containing an accented character is selected from the Auto-Numbering tag list. Video Cards ----------- A UAE/GPF no longer results from displaying some dialog boxes on a Cornerstone video system. C Runtime errors no longer occur on Cornerstone Mono/dual page video systems. Ventura Publisher no works correctly with Genius full-page video systems. Word Processing Filters ----------------------- The error message "Can't find winaplps.wld" no longer appears when selecting the Version button in the Help dialog box. A frame anchor appearing before attribute in Word for Windows format files no longer cause changes in text attributes. Attributes in Word for Windows 2.0 format text files are no longer lost after editing the text in Ventura Publisher. Attributes in text do not force a line break in the generated table of contents text. Selecting a range of text in a paragraph assigned a bold tag attribute, and applying an underline attribute, will no longer cause the selected text to change to medium weight (not bolded). <<< END OF FILE >>>